Washington State Home Inspector License # 554 WSDA Structural Pest Inspector License # 78889
Home Inspection Report Unofficial version!
Home Buyer
Property address:
Inspection date:
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
This report published on Thursday, October 12, 2023 9:10:17 AM PDT
[b]This report is the exclusive property of Granite peak inspection inc.
How to Read this Report
This report is organized by the property's functional areas. Within each functional area, descriptive information is listed first and is shown in bold type. Items of concern follow descriptive information.
Concerns are shown and sorted according to these types:
A recommendation to enhance safety. Not necessarily urgent.
Recommend repairing or replacing
Recommend repair or maintenance
Minor defect
A minor concern
Recommend ongoing maintenance
Client to determine level of personal concern or, if noted, consult with a specialist.
For your information
Damage caused by wood destroying insects or organisms (Rot, carpenter ant galleries, etc.)
Conducive conditions
Conditions conducive for wood destroying insects or organisms (Wood-soil contact, shrubs in contact with siding, roof or plumbing leaks, etc.)
Click here for a glossary of building construction terms.Contact your inspector If there are terms that you do not understand, or visit the glossary of construction terms at https://www.reporthost.com/glossary.asp
Age of building: 11 Years, according to the MLS listing.
Property owner's name: xxxxxx
Time started: 8:00 a.m.
Time finished: 11:00 a.m.
Inspection Fee: $ xxxx
Present during inspection: Buyer/client
Occupied: Yes
Weather conditions: Clear
Temperature: 75 degrees
Ground condition: Dry
Front of structure faces: South
Main entrance faces: South
Foundation type: Crawlspace
The following items are excluded from this inspection: Security system, Irrigation system, Low voltage outdoor lighting, Built-in sound system, Outbuildings, Rock retaining wall, Fish Pond
1) Comment - Some wall, floor and/or ceiling surfaces were obscured by furniture and/or stored items. Some areas couldn't be evaluated.
Wall covering: Cement-based clapboard; shingles and OSB board at dormers, gables and chimney
Driveway material: Poured in place concrete aggregate
Sidewalk material: Poured in place concrete aggregate, paving stones
Exterior door material: Solid core steel
2) Repair/Replace, Evaluate, Damage, Conducive conditions - Rot was found in the horizontal belly trim boards on the east side of the home. Areas effected appear to next to sprinkler heads it may be possible that the damaged areas are being exposed to the water spray from the sprinkler system. A qualified contractor should evaluate and make repairs and as necessary, such as replacing all rotten wood and redirecting sprinklers.
Photo 2-1 Wood decay and rot was found at lower trim board
3) Repair/Replace, Evaluate, Damage - Rafter barge board ends are warped, possible causes are that they have no roofing shingles over the top of them allowing moisture damage or that they are not fastened securely enough. A qualified contractor should evaluate and make repairs as necessary such as installing roof shingles on the top of them and reattaching.
Photo 3-1 Warped barge rafter
4) Repair/Replace, Conducive conditions - Patio door trim boards are in contact with the patio concrete surface (typical with other trim around home). This is a conducive condition to wood destroying organisms. Recommend all wood be trimmed to 1 inch away from the concrete surface to eliminate water wicking into wood.
Photo 4-1 No clearance between cement and trim boards allows moisture intrusion into siding.
5) Repair/Replace, Conducive conditions - The door casing for the outside man door entrance to the garage has wood decay "rot" and is beyond repair. Recommend replacement of door casing, caulking and paint.
Photo 5-1 Deteriorate door frame garage entrance Photo 5-2 Deteriorate door frame garage entrance
6) Repair/Maintain, Conducive conditions - Vegetation such as trees as shrubs are in contact with or less than one foot from the structure's exterior. Vegetation can serve as a conduit for wood destroying insects and may retain moisture against the exterior after it rains. Vegetation should be pruned and/or removed as necessary to maintain a one foot clearance between it and the structure's exterior.
Photo 6-1 deteriorated trim board
7) Repair/Maintain, Conducive conditions - Rain gutter and down spout concerns
1. Two downspouts brackets are detached. Recommend reattaching. 2. At rear of home where upper down spout connects with the lower gutter and down spout, the upper spout is connected so that it is blocking the lower down spout. Recommend relocating or cutting a 45 deg. bevel in upper down spout. 3. All gutters have debris in them. Recommend cleaning as part of a yearly home maintenance plan.
All of the above can result in water accumulating around the structure's foundation and crawl spaces. Accumulated water is a conducive condition to wood destroying insects and organisms, and may also cause the foundation to settle and possibly fail over time. Repairs should be made as necessary.
Photo 7-1 Detached bracket west side of home. Photo 7-2 Down spout into gutter blockage
8) Repair/Maintain, Conducive conditions - Several crawl space vent screens are blocked by soil, debris or the louvers are in the closed position. This restricts ventilation in the crawl space and may result in increased levels of moisture inside. Materials or items blocking vents should be removed.
Photo 8-1 Debris in crawl space vent
9) Repair/Maintain - The crawl space access hatch has large gaps that could allow vermin to enter the crawl space. Recommend A qualified contractor should install a trim board, screens or something similar to close these gaps.
Photo 9-1 Large gaps allow pest entrance.
10) Minor defect - The patio outside faucet is missing back-flow prevention devices. These devices reduce the likelihood of polluted or contaminated water entering the potable water supply. This condition can occur when an outside faucet is left in the "on" position with a hose connected and the sprayer head turned off. When pressure in the system fluctuates, water can be drawn back into the water supply pipes from the house. If a chemical sprayer is being used with the hose, those chemicals can enter the water supply pipes.
Recommend installing back-flow prevention devices on all exterior hose bibs where missing. They are available at most home improvement stores and are easily installed. For more information, visit: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/AE113
11) Maintain, Conducive conditions - Caulk is deteriorated in some window and trim areas and should be replaced where necessary. This should be included in a yearly home maintenance program. For more information on caulking, visit: The Ins and Outs of Caulking.
Photo 11-1 Caulk is deteriorated at trim and siding joint.
12) Comment - Minor cracks were found in the driveway. However, they don't appear to be a structural concern and no trip hazards were found. No immediate action is recommended, but the client may wish to have repairs made or have cracked sections replaced for aesthetic reasons and to seal out moisture to prevent further damage.
Photo 12-1 Client may wish to have cracks sealed to prevent further damage from freeze thaw cycles.
13) Comment - Minor cracks were found in the sidewalk and patio sections. However, they don't appear to be a structural concern and no trip hazards were found. No immediate action is recommended, but the client(s) may wish to have repairs made or have cracked sections replaced for aesthetic reasons.
Photo 13-1 Client may wish to have cracks sealed to prevent further damage from freeze thaw cycles.
14) Comment - Three unlined wooden planter boxes are attached to the side of the house. At the time of the inspection they had no soil in them but if they did, this would be a considered a conducive condition for wood-destroying insects and organisms. Recommend either removing them or modifying them so that no wood-soil contact exists if used. Consider installing plastic or metal liners and ensure that they are well drained away from wood surfaces.
Photo 14-1 unlined wooden planter boxes are attached to the side of the house
Roof inspection method: Traversed, Viewed with drone.
Roof type: Gable
Roof covering: Asphalt or fiberglass composition shingles
Estimated age of roof: 11 Years
Gutter & downspout material: Aluminum
Roof ventilation: Adequate
15) Repair/Replace, Evaluate, Conducive conditions - Roofing nails in three areas have loosened or backed out. Leaks may occur as a result. A qualified roofing contractor should make repairs as necessary, such as reseting nails and applying sealant.
Photo 15-1 Cracked sealant and lifted nails needs repaired. Photo 15-2 Lifted flashing and loose nails.
16) Repair/Replace, Conducive conditions - The siding on the dormer exterior walls above the roof sections has less than a one inch gap between it and the roof surface below, and is causing damage to the concrete based siding. A gap of at least one inch is recommended so water isn't wicked up into the siding from the shingles below, and also to provide room for additional layers of roofing materials when the current roof surface fails. Recommend having a qualified contractor make repairs as necessary, such as trimming siding so at least a one inch gap exists between the siding and the roofing below where necessary.
Photo 16-1 Lack of clearance between siding and roofing. Trim boards are showing signs of decay from water damage. Photo 16-2 Moss growth and water damage to siding.
17) Repair/Replace - (Drone inspection photos) Some composition shingles were missing and/or damaged. Leaks can occur as a result. This is a conducive condition for wood-destroying organisms. Recommend that a qualified contractor repair as necessary. For example, by replacing shingles.
Photo 17-1 Missing ridge cap shingles on east dormer. Photo 17-2 Missing ridge cap shingles on the Garage roof.
Photo 17-3 Missing ridge cap shingles on the south end of the ridge.
18) Maintain, Conducive conditions - Moss is starting to grow on the roof. If allowed to continue, shingles may lift or be damaged. Leaks may result and/or the roof surface may fail prematurely. This is a conducive condition for wood destroying insects and organisms. Efforts should be taken to kill the moss during its growing season (wet months). Typically, zinc-based chemicals are used for this and must be applied periodically. For information on various moss treatment products and their pros and cons, visit: http://www.google.com/search?q=moss+on+roof
19) Cautionary, Repair/Replace - The garage-house door poses a fire risk because a pet door has been installed, this eliminates its fire rating. A qualified contractor should replace this door with a fire-rated door.
Photo 19-1 Fire door with pet door installed.
20) Cautionary, Repair/Replace - The attic access hatch over the attached garage is plywood and doesn't have a one-hour fire rating. Wall and ceiling surfaces in an attached garage should be fire rated for one hour to prevent or slow the spread of fire from the garage to the interior living spaces. This hatch should be replaced with a material that has a one hour fire rating, such as 5/8 inch Type X Sheetrock.
Photo 20-1 Plywood attic access hatch non fire rated
21) Cautionary, Repair/Replace, Evaluate - The front panel of the main electrical panel was difficult to remove due to inadequate working space. Standard building practices require the following clearances:
An area 30 inches wide by 3 feet deep exists in front of the panel
The panel is at least 5 1/2 feet above the floor
There is at least 6 feet 6 inches of headroom in front of the panel
The wall below the panel is clear to the floor
Recommend removing or modifying shelving to provide safe access.
Photo 21-1 Electrical panel is partialy blocked by shelving in garage making access difficult.
22) Cautionary, Repair/Replace - Two over current protection devices (circuit breakers) are "double tapped", where two wires are clamped in a terminal designed for only one wire. This is a safety hazard since the screw may tighten securely against one wire, but leave others loose. Arcing, sparks and fires may result. A qualified electrical contractor should evaluate and repair.
Photo 22-1 "Double Tapped" circuit breakers.
23) Cautionary, Repair/Replace - No carbon monoxide alarms were visible. This is a potential safety hazard. As of 2012 Washington State requires CO alarms to be installed for new construction and/or for homes being sold. Recommend installing approved CO alarms outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms on each level and in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. For more information, visit: http://www.cpsc.gov/CPSCPUB/PREREL/prhtml05/05017.html
24) Cautionary, Evaluate - The inspector noticed some extension cords being used as permanent wiring, at back of home supplying pond etc. These tend to deteriorate over time and become a shock and or fire hazard. Recommend that when an electrical contractor is on site that these be replaced with permanent wiring.
25) Cautionary - Cautionary, Repair/Replace - Washington State home inspection standards require me to notify you of the following. No arc fault circuit interrupter (AFCI) breakers or outlets were installed for bedroom circuits. These are relatively new devices, and reduce the risk of fire by protecting against overheated or arcing receptacles (outlets) or light fixtures. Consult with a qualified electrician about upgrading circuits to AFCI protection per standard building practices. What’s an AFCI device? In short, it’s an electrical safety device designed to prevent fires. It looks and acts a lot like a GFCI device in that it has a test button and a reset method, but GFCI devices are designed to prevent people from getting electrocuted, not prevent fires. For an excellent document explaining the functionality of AFCIs as well as the history of these devices, click here: AFCIs Come of Age.
Primary heat system type: Forced air, Standard efficiency
Primary A/C energy source: N/A
Primary Air conditioning type: N/A
Distribution system: Sheet metal ducts, Flexible ducts
Manufacturer: Rheem
Model: D5d307e1197220
Filter location: In return air duct above furnace
Last service date: 5 Years
26) Repair/Maintain, Evaluate - The last service date of this system appears to be more than five years ago. A qualified heating specialist should service this system and make repairs if necessary. This servicing should be performed annually in the future.
27) Repair/Maintain, Evaluate - 1. The inspector found heavy condensate build up around burners and B vent; this is a indication the unit needs serviced. 2. Filters are dirty and need changed
Recommend servicing before next heating season by a qualified heating specialist.
Limitations: Evaluation of and determining the adequacy or completeness of the following items are not included in this inspection: water recirculation pumps; solar water heating systems; Energy Smart or energy saver controls; catch pan drains. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not provide an estimate of remaining life on water heaters, does not determine if water heaters are appropriately sized, or perform any evaluations that require a pilot light to be lit or a shut-off valve to be operated.
Condition of water heater: Appeared serviceable
Type: Tank
Energy source: Natural gas
Estimated age: Manufactured 2006
Capacity (in gallons): 50
Temperature-pressure relief valve installed: Yes
Manufacturer: American
Model number: 12343
Serial number: 2006
Location of water heater: Garage
Hot water temperature tested: Yes
Water temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): 136
28) Cautionary - The hot water temperature was greater than 120 degrees Fahrenheit. This is a safety hazard due to the risk of scalding. The thermostat should be adjusted so the water temperature doesn't exceed 120 degrees. If the water heater is powered by electricity, a qualified person should perform the adjustment, since covers that expose energized equipment normally need to be removed. For more information on scalding dangers, visit: http://www.cpsc.gov/CPSCPUB/PUBS/5098.pdf
29) Comment - Although functional at the time of the inspection, the estimated useful life for most water heaters is 8-12 years. This water heater appeared to be this age and/or its useful lifespan and may need replacing at any time. Recommend budgeting for a replacement in the near future, or considering replacement now before any leaks occur. The client should be aware that significant flooding can occur if the water heater fails. If not replaced now, consider having a qualified person install a catch pan and drain or a water alarm to help prevent damage if water does leak.
Location of main water shut-off valve: Crawl space and garage
Location of main water meter: Located in the yard west of the driveway.
Water service: Public
Service pipe material: Copper
Supply pipe material: Copper
Vent pipe material: Plastic
Drain pipe material: Plastic
Waste pipe material: Plastic
30) Cautionary, Repair/Replace - Clothes dryer duct concerns 1.The clothes dryer is equipped with a vinyl or foil accordion-type, flexible exhaust duct. These do operate, but can can trap lint and are susceptible to kinks or crushing, which can greatly reduce the air flow and can lead to a fire.
Recommend that all of the dryer system be kept very clean, to avoid a fire hazard. Also, the client may wish to replace flexible ducts with a rigid or corrugated semi- rigid metal duct. For more information on dryer safety issues, visit: http://www.cpsc.gov/CPSCPUB/PUBS/5022.html
2. The dryer ducting is ran through an unheated area (the crawl space). Warm ducting will condensate and flow will be blocked by lint trapped in moisture. Recommend replacing duct with a metal insulated type duct.
31) Cautionary, Repair/Replace - The laundry room electric receptacle that serves the countertop surfaces within six feet of a sink appear to have no ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) protection. This is a safety hazard due to the risk of shock. When on site, a qualified electrician should evaluate to determine if GFCI protection exists and if not, repairs should be made so that all receptacles that serve countertop surfaces within six feet of sinks have GFCI protection. Installation of GFCI receptacles or circuit breaker may be necessary.
32) Repair/Replace, Conducive conditions - An active leak was found in the water line in the wall between the garage and living space. Water is leaking into the crawl space. This is a conducive condition to wood destroying organisms. Recommend a qualified plumber evaluate and repair as necessary.
Photo 32-1 Leak from above Photo 32-2 Area of leak
33) Repair/Replace, Conducive conditions - An active water leak below the laundry room sink was located with an infrared camera. Recommend a licensed plumber repair leak while on site addressing other concerns noted in this report.
Photo 33-1 Digital photo of leak area. Moisture is not visible Photo 33-2 inferred photo of leak below sink and vinyl.
34) Evaluate, Comment, Conducive conditions - The laundry room exhaust fan timer is not configured to operate the fan automatically. Timers such as these are installed to prevent moisture from accumulating, and causing mold growth and/or damage to building components. They are especially important in the relatively airtight houses that have been built recently. The timer should be configured to run at least twice a day for a minimum of one and a half hours.
35) Evaluate, Comment - Additional plumbing concerns Water flow is low in the right side sink in the master bath. The home water pressure was tested to be 43 psi, which is on the low side of normal. The inspector located a pressure regulator valve in the crawl space which was located near the leak that was also found. Recommend that when the plumber is on site to repair the leak, that the pressure regulator be adjusted to increase pressure; this may help low flow/pressure problems.
36) Comment - The gas fireplace was operated and appears to function normally. Gas fireplaces should be inspected and serviced annually. Recommend an inspection be performed at same time the gas furnace is serviced.
37) Cautionary, Repair/Replace - A substandard wiring splice was found for the under-sink food disposal. This is a safety hazard due to the risk of shock and fire. Armored (BX) cable, or a flexible appliance cord with a plug end and electric outlet should be used. A qualified electrician should evaluate and repair as necessary.
Photo 37-1 Cord substandard splice
38) Repair/Replace - The microwave range hood fan vents into the kitchen rather than outdoors. Ventilation may be inadequate and moisture and fumes from gas stove may accumulate indoors. Recommend having a qualified contractor make modifications as necessary as per standard building practices so the range hood fan vents outdoors.
39) Evaluate - The front right stove top burner was hard to light. A qualified appliance technician should evaluate and repair as necessary.
Interior Room inspection: As a home inspector, I check a representative number of doors and windows. I do not move furniture, lift carpets or rugs, empty closets or cabinets, and I may not comment on cosmetic deficiencies, cracks that appear around windows or doors, or which follow the lines of framing members and the seams of drywall and plaster board. These cracks are usually a consequence of movement, such as shrinkage and common settling, and often reappear. I do not report on odors from pets and smoking.
40) Cautionary, Maintain - Batteries in all the smoke alarms should be replaced after taking occupancy, and annually in the future. "Chirping" noises emitted from smoke alarms typically indicate that batteries need replacing. For more information, visit: http://www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/pubs/5077.html
41) Repair/Replace - The laundry room door will not latch when closed. Repairs should be made as necessary, and by a qualified contractor if necessary. This may include aligning strike plates with latch bolts and/or replacing lock sets.
42) Comment - Living room ceiling fan is operable.
Limitations: This report only includes findings from accessible and visible areas on the day of the inspection. In addition to the inaccessible areas documented in this report, examples of other inaccessible areas include: sub areas less than 18 inches in height; attic areas less than 5 feet in height, areas blocked by ducts, pipes or insulation; areas where locks or permanently attached covers prevent access; areas where insulation would be damaged if traversed; areas obscured by vegetation. All inaccessible areas are subject to infestation or damage from wood-destroying organisms. The inspector does not move furnishings, stored items, debris, floor or wall coverings, insulation, or other materials as part of the inspection, nor perform destructive testing. Wood-destroying organisms may infest, re-infest or become active at any time. No warranty is provided as part of this inspection.
Visible evidence of active wood-destroying insects: No
Visible evidence of active wood decay fungi: Yes
Visible evidence of past wood decay fungi: Yes
Visible evidence of damage by wood decay fungi: Yes
Visible evidence of conditions conducive to wood-destroying organisms: Yes
43) Comment - Please see the structural pest inspection diagram that was attached to this report for locations of the following: 1. Visible Evidence of Conditions Conducive to Wood Destroying Organisms 2. Visible Evidence of Damage by Wood Destroying Organisms 3. Visible Evidence of Active Wood Decay Fungi