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(203) 515-6622
24 Huntington Court 
Bethel CT 06801
Inspector: Thomas Schlotter


Client(s):  Sid Finch
Property address:  120 Pinecrest Drive
Greenville, CT
Inspection date:  Thursday, May 9, 2013

This report published on Wednesday, October 4, 2023 9:11:54 PM EDT

Concerns are shown and sorted according to these types:
Concern typeSafetyPoses a risk of injury or death. Have the appropriate contractor evaluate and correct the defect at once.
Concern typeUpgrade / Repair / ReplaceRecommend improvement, upgrading, repairing, or replacing.
Concern typeMaintainRecommend maintenance / repair, or will need ongoing maintenance / repair.
Concern typeEvaluateRecommend evaluation by a specialist before purchasing the home. Client to assess information and determine personal level of concern. Make any repairs or replacements as suggested or needed.
Concern typeMonitorPossible defect - check this at least monthly for any change or deterioration in condition. Have appropriate contractor repair or replace as needed.
Concern typeCommentFor your information

1) Rails at exterior stairs missing. Contact appropriate contractor for repair or correction.
2) Recommend covering openings at window wells, installing a cover will keep the water out and help keep basement dry. Also a safety issue, a cover keeps animals and people from falling in and possibly getting hurt.

Roof Gutters Chimneys
13) Appears chimney for attic heating unit may not be high enough or have enough clearance over the roof ridge. Chimneys should extend at least 2 feet higher than any portion of the roof or any structure within 10 feet, but must be not less than 3 feet above the point where the chimney passes through the roof. Recommend further evaluation by a heating or chimney contractor, make any repairs as needed.

16) One or more garage vehicle doors (middle and right) doesn't appear to "auto-reverse" or needs too much force before reversing. I applied pressure to the door and it did not reverse. The door should reverse when closing if strikes something. This is a safety hazard, especially for small children. Recommend adjusting (consult the operation manual for the electric opener) or repairing for safety.

Basement or Lower Level
18) Noted sealed sump holes in the basement, probably containing sump pumps. They appear to drain to the gutter downspouts. Could not test, sealed shut at time of inspection.

Although there are no signs of a flood in the basement the fact that there are (3) sump holes leads me to believe that this base,net has taken on water in the past. Plan appropriately.

Observed water stains in the basement or crawlspace indicating water penetration or a leak at some time. Monitor this area for further water intrusion, make sure soil is graded away from house around the perimeter and that the gutters are properly sized and working correctly. Repair, install, or improve underground footing and/or curtain drains as needed. If area still continues to take on water consider adding a sump pump and/or have a waterproofing contractor evaluate the area and make any needed repairs. Keep stored items off the floor until the area stays dry and any possible water penetration is corrected to prevent water damage.
19) Noted pump at the front right basement wall, the valves were closed at the time of inspection. Use unknown. Could be part of the irrigation system.

Pipe and fitting at pump starting to corrode, needs repair.

Main Electrical Service
20) In the electrical panel(s) one or more circuit breakers or bus bars are "double tapped", where 2 or more wires are clamped in a terminal and the connection is only designed for 1 wire. This is a possible safety hazard since wires may loosen and cause arcing, sparking and fires. Recommend having an electrician evaluate, repair as needed.
21) Exposed wiring exists in an electrical service panel(s) due to covers missing from open circuit breaker slots or from missing "knockout" plates. Recommend that a licensed electrician install covers over all openings for safety.
22) Noted a generator. Recommend electrician evaluate. Do not attempt to operate unless a properly installed transfer switch is in place and it has been evaluated by an electrician for safety.
23) Noted a circuit breaker or breakers switched off at the electrical panel(s). Unknown as to why - may not be in use, could be a defective breaker or wiring. Please note that the breaker may be in the "off" position due to an unsafe condition, and turning it "on" may be a hazard. Suggest you contact the owner for clarification, have electrician evaluate and repair as needed. Probable cause is the installation of the generator.

Breaker switched off at the generator, needs further evaluation.
24) Breakers in each electrical panel are specific to the manufacturer - in most cases they cannot be interchanged between manufacturers, even if they appear to fit correctly. Noted a mix of circuit breakers made by different companies inside the panel, recommend further evaluation for safety. Replace breakers as needed.

Water Heater
25) Hot water temperature greater than 120 degrees. Needs to be corrected so water temperature doesn't exceed 120 degrees to avoid scalding danger. For more information, visit

Plumbing and Laundry
26) The clothes dryer was equipped with a vinyl or foil, accordion-type, flexible exhaust duct. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission considers these types of ducts to be unsafe and a fire hazard. These types of ducts can trap lint and are susceptible to kinks or crushing, which can greatly reduce the air flow. This duct should be replaced with a rigid or corrugated semi-rigid metal duct, and by a qualified contractor if necessary. Most clothes dryer manufacturers specify the use of a rigid or corrugated semi-rigid metal duct. For more information on dryer safety issues, visit:

Heating and Air Conditioning
31) The electrical disconnect at the exterior cooling compressor is missing a safety plate - electrical wires are exposed. Have cooling contractor add for safety.
34) Noted flue pipe (attic) that is close to flammable building materials. Recommend heating contractor evaluate and correct as needed.
35) Did not test the central cooling system - temperature at or below 60 degrees in the last 48 hours. Turning on the cooling system now would damage the compressor. Accordingly, only a visual inspection was made and the unit(s) were not powered on. Recommend you have it evaluated during warmer weather, repair as needed.

Kitchen and Interior Rooms
51) Unknown where the microwave exhaust vent terminates.