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(203) 515-6622
24 Huntington Court 
Bethel CT 06801
Inspector: Thomas Schlotter


Client(s):  Mark Boughton
Property address:  31 Barrington Court
Danbury CT
Inspection date:  Tuesday, April 12, 2016

This report published on Wednesday, October 4, 2023 9:10:44 PM EDT

IMPORTANT - This is not the complete inspection report but a summary. The concerns listed here are either safety issues or are, in my opinion, concerns more likely to be of a higher priority, higher cost to repair, and/or that require more immediate attention. This summary does not comprise a complete list of all defects found during the inspection. IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT YOU READ THE COMPLETE INSPECTION REPORT IN ITS ENTIRETY.

Concerns are shown and sorted according to these types:
Concern typeSafetyPoses a risk of injury or death. Have the appropriate contractor evaluate and correct the defect at once.
Concern typeUpgrade / Repair / ReplaceRecommend improvement, upgrading, repairing, or replacing.
Concern typeMaintainRecommend maintenance / repair, or will need ongoing maintenance / repair.
Concern typeEvaluateRecommend evaluation by a specialist before purchasing the home. Client to assess information and determine personal level of concern. Make any repairs or replacements as suggested or needed.
Concern typeMonitorPossible defect - check this at least monthly for any change or deterioration in condition. Have appropriate contractor repair or replace as needed.
Concern typeCommentFor your information

2) One or more retaining walls higher than 3 feet exists on this property and no guardrail is installed above. This is a safety hazard. Recommend installing adequate guardrails or some other form of protective barrier (dense shrubbery) above all retaining walls higher than 3 feet.

Main Electrical Service
14) Wrong type of screws noted on the front cover of the electrical panel(s). Pointed screws should never be used here as they may pierce wiring inside the panel. Have an electrician install the proper screws.

Water Heater
16) No hot water noted during the inspection. It may be shut-off, need adjustment, or need repair. Recommend plumber evaluate and repair as needed.

* Looks like owner closed all the valves when he left.

Plumbing and Laundry
17) The clothes dryer was equipped with a vinyl or foil, accordion-type, flexible exhaust duct. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission considers these types of ducts to be unsafe and a fire hazard. These types of ducts can trap lint and are susceptible to kinks or crushing, which can greatly reduce the air flow. This duct should be replaced with a rigid or corrugated semi-rigid metal duct, and by a qualified contractor if necessary. Most clothes dryer manufacturers specify the use of a rigid or corrugated semi-rigid metal duct.

Kitchen and Interior Rooms
31) One or more windows extend to within 18" of the floor and don't appear to be made of tempered glass. Recommend replacing the glass in these windows with tempered glass and installing some sort of protective barrier to prevent children from falling out.
34) Ice maker on fridge turned off at time of inspection. Turned on but no ice seen, unknown if it is working or if the fridge is hooked up to a working water supply.