This report published on Tuesday, October 9, 2018 6:28:36 AM PST
Thank you for using Best To Inspect Inc. for your inspection needs. I appreciate your business.
The following written report is prepared for the sole, confidential and exclusive use of the client(s) named above. It is designed to highlight major and significant defects observed on the day of the inspection, not minor or cosmetic ones (although these will be noted when observed as a courtesy). The report is intended as a general guide to help you evaluate the home. Read your entire Home Inspection Report before purchasing the property, paying close attention to all items noted on the report and to any exclusions and limitations listed. Any items noted that require further evaluation, any items not accessible or able to be located during the inspection and any items listed under the Visual Obstructions and Exclusions section should be investigated or evaluated before you purchase the home. I recommend that any needed repairs be made by a licensed, qualified contractor.
Your Home Inspection Report represents my good-faith opinions on the subjects listed within on the day of the inspection - no guarantee or warranty is either expressed or implied. Hidden or concealed defects are not included in this report. This report is not an insurance policy. Please be sure to read the entire report thoroughly and call promptly with any questions or concerns. This report shall supersede any written or verbal communication and comments made prior to providing the written report.
This report is the exclusive property of this inspection company and the client(s) listed in the report title. Use of this report by any unauthorized persons is prohibited.
How to Read this Report
This report is organized by the property's functional areas. Within each functional area, descriptive information is listed first and is shown in bold type. Items of concern follow descriptive information.
Concerns are shown and sorted according to these types:
Poses a risk of injury or death
Major Defect
Correction likely involves a significant expense
Recommend repairing or replacing
Recommend repair and/or maintenance
Minor Defect
Correction likely involves only a minor expense
Recommend ongoing maintenance
Recommend evaluation by a specialist
Recommend monitoring in the future
For your information
Damage caused by wood destroying insects or organisms (Rot, carpenter ant galleries, etc.)
Conducive conditions
Conditions conducive for wood destroying insects or organisms (Wood-soil contact, shrubs in contact with siding, roof or plumbing leaks, etc.)
Click here for a glossary of building construction terms.Contact your inspector If there are terms that you do not understand, or visit the glossary of construction terms at
Client present for discussion at end of inspection: Yes
Weather conditions: Clear
Temperature: Warm
Ground condition: Dry
Type of building: Single family
Age of building(s): 58 Years
Source for building age: Property listing
Front of building faces: East
Occupied: Yes
Additions and modifications: Back family room addition.
1) Structures built prior to 1980 may contain lead-based paint and/or asbestos in various building materials such as insulation, siding, and/or floor and ceiling tiles. Both lead and asbestos are known health hazards. Evaluating for the presence of lead and/or asbestos is not included in this inspection. The client should consult with specialists as necessary, such as industrial hygienists, professional labs and/or abatement contractors for this type of evaluation. For information on lead, asbestos and other hazardous materials in homes, visit:
2) Some wall and floor surfaces were obscured by furniture and couldn't be fully evaluated.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: swimming pools, spas, hot tubs, water features and related equipment; playground, recreation or leisure equipment; landscape lighting; areas below exterior structures with less than three feet of vertical clearance; irrigation systems; invisible fencing; sea walls, docks and boathouses. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not test or determine the adequacy of drainage systems for grounds, walkways, below-grade stairs and roof downspouts. The inspector does not provide an evaluation of geological conditions and/or site stability, compliance of pool or spa fencing with municipal requirements, or determination that deck, balcony and/or stair membranes are watertight.
The following items are excluded from this inspection: Shed
Condition of fences and gates: Appeared serviceable
Fence and gate material: Chain link, Masonry
Site profile: Level
Condition of driveway: Appeared serviceable
Driveway material: Poured in place concrete
Condition of sidewalks and/or patios: Required repairs, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Sidewalk material: Poured in place concrete
Condition of deck, patio and/or porch covers: Appeared serviceable
Deck, patio, porch cover material and type: Covered (Refer to Roof section)
3) One or more trip hazards were found at the backyard walkway due to cracks, settlement, heaving and/or deterioration. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair or replace sections as necessary to eliminate trip hazards.
Photo 3-1 Trip hazard at the back walkway
4) Evidence of no drainage was found in one or more sections of the walkways in the backyard. No drains were visible in these areas. A qualified person should evaluate and make repairs as necessary to prevent water from accumulating in the future. For example, installing drains and drain lines.
Photo 4-1 No drainage at the patio area
5) Evidence of poor drainage was found in one or more sections of the yard. One or more drains were visible, but the drain(s) appeared to be clogged. Drains should be cleared now and in the future as necessary to prevent water from accumulating.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: below-grade foundation walls and footings, or those obscured by vegetation or building components; exterior building surfaces or components obscured by vegetation, stored items or debris. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Some amount of cracking is normal in concrete slabs and foundation walls due to shrinkage and drying. Note that the inspector does not determination the adequacy of sump pumps, seismic reinforcement, nor determine if support posts, columns, beams, joists, studs, trusses, etc. are of adequate size, spanning or spacing.
Condition of wall covering: Required repairs, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Apparent wall structure: Wood frame
Wall covering: Wood, Stucco, Brick veneer
Condition of foundation and footings: Appeared serviceable
Foundation type: Crawlspace
Foundation material: Poured in place concrete
Anchor bolts for seismic reinforcement: Installed
Anchor bolts for seismic reinforcement were observed at: Crawl space
Condition of floor substructure: Appeared serviceable
Pier or support post material: Wood
Beam material: Solid wood
Floor structure: Solid wood joists
Condition of crawl space: Appeared serviceable
Crawl space inspection method: Traversed
Insulation material underneath floor above: None visible
Ventilation: Appears serviceable
Vapor barrier present: No
7) No insulation was installed under the floor in the crawl space. A qualified contractor should install insulation for better energy efficiency and as per standard building practices with an R rating recommended for this area. For more information, visit:
8) Rot or water damage was found at one or more sections of fascia. A qualified person should evaluate and repair as necessary. All rotten wood should be replaced.
Photo 8-1 Dryrot at the fascia boards
9) Wooden support posts were not securely fastened to beams above. This is a safety hazard since they can separate during a seismic event. A qualified contractor should evaluate and make repairs as necessary, such as installing metal ties, bracing with lumber and/or plywood gussets as per standard building practices.
10) No vapor barrier was installed in the crawl space. This is a conducive condition for wood destroying insects and organisms due to the likelihood of water evaporating into the building from the soil. A qualified person should install a vapor barrier as per standard building practices.
Limitations: The following items or areas are not included in this inspection: areas that could not be traversed or viewed clearly due to lack of access; areas and components obscured by insulation; solar roofing components; any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not determination if rafters, trusses, joists, beams, etc. are of adequate size, spanning or spacing. The inspector does not provide an estimate of remaining roof surface life, does not determine that the roof has absolutely no leaks at the time of the inspection, and does not determine that the roof won't leak in the future. Only active leaks and evidence of past leaks observed during the inspection are reported on as part of this inspection. To absolutely determine than no leaks exist, complete access to all roof structure areas must be available during a wide variety of weather conditions, including prolonged heavy rain, high wind from varying directions, heavy accumulations of snow and/or ice, and melting snow and ice.
Condition of roof structure: Appeared serviceable
Roof type: Gable
Age of roof surface(s): Unknown
Roof inspection method: Traversed
Condition of shingle and/or shake roof surface materials: Near end of service life
Roof surface material: Asphalt or fiberglass composition shingles
Apparent number of layers of roof surface material: Three
Condition of exposed flashings: Appeared serviceable
Gutter and downspout material: None
Gutter and downspout installation: None
Condition of attic: Appeared serviceable
Attic inspection method: Viewed from hatch(es)
Roof structure type: Rafters
Ceiling structure: Ceiling beams
Ceiling insulation material: Fiberglass roll or batt
Ceiling insulation depth: 6"-8"
Roof ventilation: Appears serviceable
12) All sections of the composition shingle roof surface appeared to be near the end of their service life and will likely need replacing in the near future, even with repairs. The client should budget for a replacement roof surface, and may want to have a qualified roofing contractor evaluate and attempt to issue a "5 year roof certificate".
13) Substandard repairs were found in some sections of the roll composition roof surfaces. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair as necessary.
Over the flat roof and shingles by garage
Photo 13-1 Poor repairs on the flat roof that need to be redone
Photo 13-2 Evidence of poor repairs to the roof
14) One or more roof surface sections were designed so as to be much more likely to accumulate debris and snow. This includes the following: two slopes converge. Leaks may occur as a result. The client should monitor such areas for accumulated debris in the future and clean as necessary.
Photo 14-1 Valley area of the roof
Photo 14-2 Roof
Photo 14-3 Roof needs to be cleaned
15) Debris such as leaves, needles, seeds, etc. had accumulated on the roof. This is a conducive condition for wood destroying insects and organisms since water may not flow easily off the roof, and may enter gaps in the roof surface. Leaks may occur as a result. Debris should be cleaned from the roof now and as necessary in the future.
16) This asphalt or fiberglass composition roof surface had two or more layers of roofing materials. When this roof is replaced, recommend a complete "tear off", where all existing layers of roofing are removed before installing new roofing materials. For 20-year rated composition shingles, additional layers of material reduce the new roof material's lifespan as follows:
16-20 years - First roof
12-16 years - Second layer on existing roof
Removing existing roofing materials will significantly increase the cost of the next roof.
17) All attic and roof structure sections more than 6 and/or 8 feet from the access hatch(es) were inaccessible due to lack of permanent walkways and/or limited height. These areas are excluded from the inspection.
Photo 17-1 Attic
Photo 17-2 Attic
Photo 17-3 Attic
Photo 17-4 Attic
Photo 17-5 Attic
Photo 17-6 Attic
Photo 17-7 Attic
Photo 17-8 Attic
Photo 18-1 Roof
Photo 18-2 Flat roof
Photo 18-3 The roofing material is showing signs of deterioration
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: generator systems, surge suppressors, inaccessible or concealed wiring; underground utilities and systems; low voltage lighting or lighting on timers or sensors. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not determine the adequacy of grounding or bonding, does not determine if this system has an adequate capacity for the client's specific needs, nor determine if this system has any reserve capacity for additions or expansion. The inspector does not operate circuit breakers as part of the inspection, install or change light bulbs, nor determine the operability of every wall switch.
Electric service condition: Appeared serviceable
Primary service type: Overhead
Number of service conductors: 3
Service voltage (volts): 120
Service amperage (amps): 100
Primary service overload protection type: Circuit breakers
Service entrance conductor material: Unable to determine
Main disconnect rating (amps): 100
System ground: Unable to determine
Condition of main service panel: Appeared serviceable
Location of main service panel #A: Building exterior
Location of main disconnect: At main disconnect panel outside
Branch circuit wiring type: Nonmetallic sheathed
Condition of branch circuit wiring: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Condition of smoke detectors: Appeared serviceable
Smoke detectors present: Yes
Carbon monoxide detectors present: Yes
Smoke detector power source: Battery
22) One or more electric receptacles and/or the boxes they are installed in were loose and/or not securely anchored. Wire conductors may be damaged due to repeated movement and/or tension on wires, or insulation may be damaged. This is a safety hazard due to the risk of shock and fire. A qualified electrician should evaluate and repair as necessary.
23) Some electric receptacles had reverse-polarity wiring, where the hot and neutral wires are reversed. This is a safety hazard due to the risk of shock. A qualified electrician should evaluate and make repairs as necessary.
In the family room on most walls
Photo 23-1 Reverse polarity at the outlets in the family room
Photo 23-2 Reverse polarity
24) Some open ground, three-pronged grounding type receptacles were found. This is a safety hazard due to the risk of shock. A qualified electrician should evaluate and make repairs as necessary.
Grounding type receptacles were first required in residential structures during the 1960s. Based on the age of this structure and/or the absence of 2-pronged receptacles, repairs should be made by correcting wiring circuits as necessary so all receptacles are grounded as per standard building practices. Replacement of three-pronged receptacles with 2-pronged receptacles is not an acceptable solution.
Front exterior and inside garage
Photo 24-1 Ungrounded outlet at the front of the house
25) One or more ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) type receptacles were found to have an open ground (In both bathrooms). GFCI protection will still work with an open ground, but ideally repairs should be made as necessary so grounding is correct with these receptacles. A qualified electrician should evaluate and make repairs as necessary.
26) One or more electric receptacles at the following "wet" locations appeared to have no ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) protection: kitchen. This is a safety hazard due to the risk of shock. Recommend having a qualified electrician evaluate to determine if GFCI protection exists, and if not, repair as necessary. For more information, visit:
27) Panel(s) #A were Pushmatic brand panels. These panels are found in older electrical systems. Their circuit breakers are known to become very stiff and difficult to operate or reset over time. Breakers may remain on after attempts to trip or turn them off have been made. They also have an indicator flag that falsely indicates the on/off/tripped state. The breakers rely on thermal tripping only, whereas modern breakers have both thermal and magnetic trip mechanisms. These conditions pose shock and fire hazards. Replacement circuit breakers and spare parts are usually difficult to find, and are expensive. Recommend that a qualified electrician replace Pushmatic brand panels with modern panels that offer more flexibility for new, safer protective technologies like ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCls) and arc fault circuit interrupters (AFCls).
Photo 27-1 Electrical panel
Photo 27-2 Inside the panel
28) One or more wall-mounted exterior light fixtures had wiring that's subject to water intrusion due to caulk not being installed around the light fixture's back plate. Caulk should be applied around the perimeter of back plates where missing. A gap should be left at the bottom for condensation to drain out.
29) Due to the age of the home and the wiring being used, Cloth Sheathing. Wiring should be evaluated by a licensed electrician.
Older versions of this cable were sheathed in cloth or asbestos. Asbestos sheathed cable poses a serious health risk and is directly linked to cancer. Cloth sheathed cable may not contain heat properly, and may pose a threat by exposing surrounding areas to excessive heat. Cloth sheathed cable can become brittle over time and crack. This would expose the bare wire and become a huge fire risk in your home. Both asbestos sheathed cable and cloth sheathed cable are seldom properly grounded.
30) Some electric receptacles were not evaluated because of furniture and/or stored items.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: private wells and sewage disposal systems; main, side and lateral sewer lines; gray water systems; pressure boosting systems; incinerating or composting toilets; fire suppression sprinkler systems; water softeners, conditioners or filtering systems; plumbing components concealed within the foundation or building structure, or in inaccessible areas such as below tubs; underground utilities and systems; overflow drains for tubs and sinks; backflow prevention devices. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not operate water supply or shut-off valves due to the possibility of valves leaking or breaking when operated. The inspector does not test for lead in the water supply, the water pipes or solder, does not determine if plumbing and fuel lines are adequately sized, and does not determining the existence or condition of underground or above-ground fuel tanks.
Condition of service and main line: Appeared serviceable
Location of main water meter: By the curb
Location of main water shut: At the front faucet
Water service: Public
Water pressure (psi): 58 PSI
Service pipe material: Galvanized steel
Condition of supply lines: Beyond service life
Supply pipe material: Galvanized steel
Condition of waste lines: Near end of service life
Waste pipe material: Galvanized steel, Cast iron
Condition of fuel system: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Location of main fuel shut: Side of the house
31) One or more uncoated brass flexible connectors were found in gas supply line(s)(At the water heater). Some older brass connectors can separate from the tubing and cause a serious gas leak, explosion or fire. To our knowledge, these connectors haven't been made since 1976. Moving appliances with such connectors, even slightly, whether to clean behind them or to inspect their gas connectors can cause the connector to crack or break. A qualified contractor should evaluate and replace uncoated flexible connectors. For more information, visit:
Photo 31-1 Brass gas flex line
32) One or more flexible connectors used for a gas supply line were substandard. This is a potential safety hazard due to the risk of gas leaks. A qualified contractor should evaluate and replace flexible connectors as necessary.
Line to the heater should be replaced due to type and age
Photo 32-1 Gas line needs to be replaced for heater and gas line runs through the heater
33) The flexible gas supply connectors were routed through a metal cabinet at the heater. Standard building practices require that solid iron pipe be used where gas supply lines are routed through holes in metal cabinets. Continued vibration from this equipment may cause the edge of the metal cabinet to wear through the flexible connector, resulting in gas leaks. This is a safety hazard. A qualified heating and cooling contractor should evaluate and make repairs and/or modifications as necessary.
Photo 33-1 Gas line needs to be replaced for heater and gas line runs through the heater
34) One or more outside faucets were missing backflow prevention devices. These devices reduce the likelihood of polluted or contaminated water entering the potable water supply. This condition can occur when an outside faucet is left in the "on" position with a hose connected and the sprayer head turned off. When pressure in the system fluctuates, water can be drawn back into the water supply pipes from the building. If a chemical sprayer is being used with the hose, those chemicals can enter the water supply pipes.
Recommend installing backflow prevention devices on all exterior hose bibs where missing. They are available at most home improvement stores and are easily installed. For more information, visit:
35) Based on the apparent age of the water supply lines and/or observations made during the inspection, all of the water supply lines in this building have exceeded their service life and should be replaced. A qualified plumber should evaluate and repair as necessary.
All supply lines should be evaluated and or replaced due to age. Supply lines below the house wern't fully visible.
36) Based on the apparent age of the waste lines and/or observations made during the inspection, all of the waste lines in this building were near the end of their service life. The client should monitor these lines for leaks and budget for replacing lines as necessary in the near future.
All drains lines below the house should be evaluated by a licensed plumber due to age of lines
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: solar water heating systems; circulation systems. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not provide an estimate of remaining life on water heaters, does not determine if water heaters are appropriately sized, or perform any evaluations that require a pilot light to be lit.
Condition of water heater: Appeared serviceable
Type: Tank
Estimated age: 11 Years
Energy source: Natural gas
Capacity (in gallons): 40
Manufacturer: Whirlpool
Location of water heater: Hallway closet
Condition of burners: Appeared serviceable
Condition of venting system: Appeared serviceable
Condition of combustion air supply: Appeared serviceable
38) What appeared to be asbestos was visible on the exhaust flue. However, it appeared to be intact and not significantly deteriorated. The client may wish to have this material tested at a qualified lab. For information on asbestos hazards in the home, visit:
39) Significant corrosion was found at the supply pipes or fittings. A qualified plumber should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
Photo 39-1 Corrosion at water heater connection
40) A water heater was installed over finished living spaces and had no catch pan and drain installed. Recommend having a qualified contractor install a catch pan and drain to prevent water damage to finished interior spaces below if/when the water heater develops a leak or is drained.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: humidifiers, dehumidifiers, electronic air filters; solar, coal or wood fired heat systems; thermostat or temperature control accuracy and timed functions; heating components concealed within the building structure or in inaccessible areas; underground utilities and systems; safety devices and controls (due to automatic operation). Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not provide an estimate of remaining life on heating system components, does not determine if heating systems are appropriately sized, or perform any evaluations that require a pilot light to be lit. It is beyond the scope of this inspection to determine if furnace heat exchangers are intact and free of leaks.
Condition of heating system: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Location of heating system: Closet
Heating type: Forced air
Fuel type: Natural gas
Approximate BTUs: 80,000
Manufacturer: Pioneer
Last service date: Unknown
Condition of burners: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Condition of venting system: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Condition of combustion air supply: Appeared serviceable
Condition of distribution system: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Distribution system: Ducts and registers
Condition of controls: Appeared serviceable
Condition of air filters: Appeared serviceable
Location of air filters: At base of air handler
41) Because of the age and/or condition of this furnace, recommend that a qualified heating and cooling technician inspect the heat exchanger and perform a Carbon Monoxide test when it's serviced.
42) The burner flames "rolled out" of the combustion chamber. This is a fire hazard due to the possibility of excessive heat damaging heating components, controls and wiring. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair as necessary.
43) The metal flue cap was missing. Standard building practices require that metal flues terminate with a bird and weatherproof cap. A qualified person should evaluate and install, repair or replace cap(s) as necessary.
Photo 43-1 Missing heater vent cap
44) What appeared to be asbestos was visible on the exhaust flue. However, it appeared to be intact and not significantly deteriorated. The client may wish to have this material tested at a qualified lab. For information on asbestos hazards in the home, visit:
45) The estimated useful life for most steel boilers is 20 years. This boiler appeared to be beyond this age and/or its useful lifespan and may need replacing or significant repairs at any time. Recommend budgeting for a replacement in the near future.
Photo 45-1 Heater
46) One or more air supply ducts were damaged. Increased moisture levels in unconditioned spaces and higher energy costs may result. A qualified contractor should evaluate and make permanent repairs as necessary.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: free-standing or portable appliances such as dishwashers, trash compactors, refrigerators, freezers, ice makers; specialty appliances such as hot water dispensers, water filters and trash compactors; appliance timers, clocks, cook functions, self and/or continuous cleaning operations, thermostat or temperature control accuracy, and lights. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not provide an estimate of the remaining life of appliances, and does not determine the adequacy of operation of appliances such as dishwashers, garbage disposals, trash compactors, ovens, broilers, etc.
Condition of counters: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Condition of cabinets: Appeared serviceable
Condition of sinks and related plumbing: Appeared serviceable
Condition of garbage disposal: Appeared serviceable
Condition of dishwasher: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Condition of range, cooktop: Appeared serviceable
Range, cooktop type: Natural gas
47) The dishwasher was inoperable. A qualified person should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
48) Moderate deterioration or damage was found in counters in one or more areas, including loose and/or missing tile and/or grout. A qualified person should repair as necessary.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: overflow drains for tubs and sinks; bidets, heated towel racks, saunas, steam generators, clothes washers, clothes dryers. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not determine the adequacy of washing machine drain lines, washing machine catch pan drain lines, or clothes dryer exhaust ducts. The inspector does not operate water supply or shut-off valves for sinks, toilets, bidets, clothes washers, etc. due to the possibility of valves leaking or breaking when operated. The inspector does not determine if shower pans or tub and shower enclosures are water tight, or determine the completeness or operability of any gas piping to laundry appliances.
Location #A: Half Bathroom
Location #B: Hallway
Condition of counters: Appeared serviceable
Condition of cabinets: Appeared serviceable
Condition of sinks and related plumbing: Appeared serviceable
Condition of toilets: Appeared serviceable
Condition of bathtubs and related plumbing: Appeared serviceable
Condition of shower(s) and related plumbing: Appeared serviceable
Condition of ventilation systems: Appeared serviceable
Condition of laundry facilities: Appeared serviceable
Gas supply for laundry equipment present: Yes
240 volt receptacle for laundry equipment present: Yes
50) Caulk was missing by the fixtures at the bathtub at location #B. A qualified person should repair as necessary.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: security, intercom and sound systems; communications wiring; central vacuum systems; elevators and stair lifts; sources of obnoxious odors; cosmetic deficiencies due to normal wear and tear in wall, floor and ceiling surfaces and coverings, or in equipment; deficiencies relating to interior decorating; low voltage and gas lighting systems. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not evaluate any areas or items which require moving stored items, furnishings, debris, equipment, floor coverings, insulation or similar materials. The inspector does not test for asbestos, lead, radon, mold, hazardous waste, urea formaldehyde urethane, or any other toxic substance. Some items such as window operability are tested on a sampled basis. The client should be aware that paint may obscure wall and ceiling defects, floor coverings may obscure floor defects, and furnishings may obscure wall, floor and floor covering defects. If furnishings were present during the inspection, recommend a full evaluation of walls, floors and ceilings that were previously obscured when possible. Determining the cause of odors is not within the scope of this inspection.
Exterior door material: Wood, Sliding glass
Condition of exterior entry doors: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Condition of interior doors: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Type of windows: Aluminum, Single pane, Sliding
Condition of windows: Appeared serviceable
Wall type or covering: Drywall
Condition of walls: Appeared serviceable
Flooring type or covering: Vinyl, Wood, Tile
Condition of flooring: Required repairs, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
52) The weatherstrip around one or more exterior doors was missing. A qualified person should repair or replace as necessary.
53) Some interior doors were damaged. A qualified person should repair or replace as necessary.
Damaged bedroom door
54) Some interior door hardware, including locksets were loose. A qualified person should repair or replace as necessary.
Bedroom door
55) Lock mechanisms on some windows were missing and/or difficult to operate. A qualified person should repair as necessary.
Missing locks at bedroom windows and half bathroom window hard to lock
56) Vinyl flooring was damaged in many areas. A qualified person should repair or replace as necessary.
Family room and kitchen areas
Photo 56-1 Damaged vinyl flooring
Photo 56-2 Damaged flooring
57) Minor deterioration or damage was found in floors in one or more areas, including cracked tile. A qualified person should repair as necessary.
In the laundry room
58) Many windows used single-pane glass. Single-pane windows are one of the largest sources of heat loss in winter and heat gain in the summer due to their low insulating ability and high air leakage rates. They're estimated to be responsible for 25 to 50 percent of the energy used to heat and cool homes. The client should consider replacing single-pane windows with new, multi-pane windows.
This inspection meets or exceeds the Standards of Practice for the InterNational Association of Certified Home Inspectors (NACHI). It is intended as a general guide to help you make an evaluation as to the overall condition of the home. It is not intended to place a value on the home nor make any representation as to the advisability of purchase. It is not a guarantee or warranty. It is not an insurance policy.
The report reflects the opinion of the inspector(s), based upon visual impressions of conditions that existed at the time of inspection. The inspection is not intended to be technically exhaustive or to imply that every component in the home was inspected. No disassembly of equipment, opening of walls, moving of furniture or stored items was performed or is allowed by state requirements. All components which were concealed or obscured from observation at the time of inspection (including those concealed by clutter and stored items) are necessarily excluded from the report. Unless noted otherwise the house exterior was inspected from the ground. Only a representative sampling of parts and components (windows, electrical outlets, roof shingles, exterior wall trim and cladding, etc.) were examined and are within the scope of this inspection. Unless noted otherwise roofs and roofing materials are inspected from the ground with binoculars, from the roof edge when possible or from windows overlooking the roof.
Environmental hazards are not within the scope of the inspection and are excluded from the report. Any hazards noticed while performing the building inspection will be listed in the "Possible Environmental Hazards" section for your convenience so you can have them further investigated by an expert. These hazards include but are not limited to radon gas, carbon monoxide, lead and lead paint, buried storage tanks, asbestos, vermiculite, urea formaldehyde, and mold. Also excluded from the report are heating system heat exchangers, pools, hot tubs, spas, fountains, exterior lighting, water wells, zoning ordinances, intercoms, playground equipment, sports courts, elevators, outbuildings, septic tanks and sewage systems, water treatment equipment, security systems, sprinkler systems (both fire and lawn), bridges (over culverts, streams, ponds, etc.), generators, greenhouses, and central vacuum systems. Condo common areas are excluded. This is not an inspection for insects (including wood destroying), rodents birds, or other infestations. Reinspections or additional testing is not included and will incur an additional fee if needed. No warranty or guaranty of the home or components is implied by Coastal Home Inspections.
This inspection report is not a compliance inspection for any government codes or regulations, nor as a property or land survey. The types of water supply (public supply or private well) and waste disposal (public sewer or private septic system) cannot be accurately determined by a home inspection and were not part of your home examination. I recommend you check with your local City or other source of building records / permits to verify your type of system before purchase.
SCOPE OF INSPECTION: The scope of the inspection and report is a limited visual inspection of the general systems and componets of the home to identify any system or component listed in the report which may be in need of immediate major repair. The inspection will be preformed in compliance with the California Real Estate Inspection association's standards of practice, a copy of which is available upon request. The scope of the inspection is limited to the items listed within the report pages.
OUTSIDE THE SCOPE OF THE INSPECTION: Any area which is not exposed to view, is concealed, or is inaccessible because of soils, walls, floors, carpets, ceilings, furnishing, or any other thing is not included in this inspection. The inspection does not include any destructive testing or dismantling. Client agrees to assume all the risk for all conditions which are concealed from view at the time of the inspection. Items not Included:
1. Recreational, leisure, playground or decorative equipment or appliances including but not limited to pools, hot tubs, saunas, steam baths, landscape lighting, fountains, shrubs, trees, and tennis courts;
2. Cosmetic conditions (wallpapering, painting, carpeting, scratches, scrapes, dents, cracks, stains, soiled or faded surfaces on the structure or equipment, soiled, faded, torn, or dirty floor, wall or window coverings etc.);
3. Noise pollution or air quality in the area;
4. Earthquake hazard, liquefaction, flood plain, soil, slide potential or any other geological conditions or evaluations;
5.Engineering level evaluations on any topic;
6.Existence or non-existence of solder or lead in water pipes, asbestos, hazardous waste, radon, urea formaldehyde urethane, lead paint or any other environmental, flammable or toxic contaminants or the existence of water or airborne diseases or illnesses and all other similar or potentially harmful substances (although the inspector may note the possible existence of asbestos in ceiling texture and furnace duct tape);
7. Zoning or municipal code (e.g. building, fire, housing (existing buildings), mechanical, electrical, plumbing, etc. code) restrictions or other legal requirements of any kind;
8. Any repairs which relate to some standard of interior decorating;
9. Cracked heat exchangers or similar devices in furnaces;
10. Any evaluation which requires the calculation of the capacity of any system or item that is expected to be part of the inspection. Examples include but are not limited to the calculation of appropriate wattage or wiring of kitchen appliances, appropriate sizing of flues or chimneys, appropriate ventilation to combustion-based items (e.g. furnaces, water heaters, fireplaces etc.), appropriate sizing, spacing and spanning of joists, beams, columns, girders, trusses, rafters, studs etc., appropriate sizing of plumbing and fuel lines, etc.;
11. Washers and dryers;
12. Circuit breaker operation;
13. Specialty evaluations such as private sewage, wells, solar heating systems, alarms, intercom systems, central vacuum systems, wood and coal stoves, pre-fab and zero clearance fireplaces, space heaters, sprinkler systems, gas logs, gas lights, elevators and common areas unless these have been specifically added to the inspection description above but only to the degree that the inspector is capable of evaluating these items;
14. Items that are not visible and exposed including but not limited to concealed wiring, plumbing, water leaks, under bathtubs and shower stalls due to faulty pans or otherwise, vent lines, duct work, exterior foundation walls (below grade or covered by shrubs or wall/paneling, stored goods etc.) and footings, underground utilities, and systems and chimney flues;
15. Evaluations involving destructive testing;
16.Evaluation which requires moving personal goods, debris, furniture, equipment, floor covering, insulation or like materials;
17. Design problems and adequacy or operational capacity, quality or suitability;
18 Fireplace drafting;
19. To prevent damages to units, air conditioning when outside temperature below 60 degrees F or if the unit has not been warmed up or on for at least 24 hours prior to inspection;
20. Any evaluation which would involve scraping paint or other wall coverings;
21. Heating system accessories (e.g. humidifiers, electronic air cleaners etc.);
22. Legal description of property such as boundaries, egress/ingress, etc.;
23. Quality of materials;
24. Conformance with plan specifications or manufacturers specifications;
25. Flood conditions or plains;
26. Any other characteristics or items which are generally not included in a building inspection report on a regular basis.