Cooling / Heat Pump

Supply air from the air conditioning or heat pump cooling system was not cool enough. It should be 14 to 20 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than at the return duct(s), or current room temperature. This may be caused by refrigerant loss, dirty coils, a failing compressor, an over sized fan, or a deficient return air system. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair as necessary.
Both downstairs units

The system's air handler was installed in an attic space, and no auxiliary condensate drain line or drip pan and drain were installed. Primary condensate drain lines often clog. When they do, water can overflow into finished living spaces below and cause damage. Recommend having a qualified contractor evaluate and install an auxiliary drain line and/or an auxiliary condensate drip pan and drain as per standard building practices.
Master and downstairs unit
One or more air filters were located so that they're difficult to access. Recommend relocating filters as necessary to more accessible locations, such as behind return air grills in interior living spaces.

The last service date of this system appeared to be more than one year ago, or the inspector was unable to determine the last service date. The client should ask the property owner when it was last serviced. If unable to determine the last service date, or if this system was serviced more than one year ago, a qualified contractor should service this system and make repairs if necessary. This servicing should be performed annually in the future.

Repair insulation at ducts over master section of attic.

The estimated useful life for most cooling systems and heat pumps is 10 to 15 years. This system appears to be near this age and/or its useful lifespan and may need replacing or significant repairs at any time. Recommend budgeting for a replacement in the near future.
One or more air filters were dirty. A qualified person should replace filter(s) as necessary. Filters should be checked monthly and maintained as necessary in the future.
Interior Rooms / Areas

Seals between multi-pane glass in some windows appear to have failed based on condensation or stains between the panes of glass. The view through the window may be obscured, and accumulated condensation leaking into wall cavities is a conducive condition for wood destroying organisms. A qualified contractor should evaluate and replace glass where necessary.
The client should be aware that evidence of broken seals may be more or less visible from one day to the next depending on the temperature, humidity, sunlight, etc. Windows or glass doors other than those that the inspector identified may also have failed seals and need glass replaced too.
ie at dinning room

Wood flooring in some areas was stained. This may indicating that the floor has been wet in the past, or that repairs or the installation was substandard. Recommend consulting with the property owner about this. The client should consider having a qualified contractor evaluate and repair or refinish floors as necessary. For more information, visit: at front office room
Some sections of flooring had minor deterioration or damage. For example, cracked tile or sun damage. A qualified person should repair as necessary.

Repair window gasket at upstairs rear window.