Website: http://InspectingtheUnexpected.com
Email: Bill@InspectingtheUnexpected.com
Phone: (205) 567-7803
Inspector: William Corbett
Property Inspection Report |
Client(s): |
Sample Report |
Property address: |
xxxx XXXX Drive Birmingham, AL 35242 |
Inspection date: |
Saturday, August 23, 2008 |
This report published on 5/19/2009 6:19:53 PM CDT
View summary page
Thank you for allowing Magic City Inspection Services, LLC the opportunity to inspect and report on your home. We appreciate your business.
To prepare this report, a visual inspection was made of the visible and accessible areas of the structures on property.
This report is for your exclusive use in determining the physical condition of the property inspected. Although a thorough inspection of the property was made, we wish to CAUTION you that conditions may change and equipment may become defective. The report should not be construed as a guarantee or warranty of the premises or equipment, or of future uses thereof. The section (2) of our SERVICE AGREEMENT, entitled "Standards of Practice of the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors posted at http://www.nachi.org/sop.htm", provides additional details. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY!
A good example of this situation is the current requirement for Ground Fault Interrupter (GFI) circuits in kitchens, bathrooms, garages, basements, and for outdoor outlets. To determine the Durability and Serviceability of the components of the home for this report, the current requirements were not applied in these types of circumstances.
How to Read this Report
This report is organized by the property's functional areas. Within each functional area, descriptive information is listed first and is shown in bold type. Items of concern follow descriptive information.
Concerns are shown and sorted according to these types: | Safety | Poses a risk of injury or death |
 | Repair/Replace | Recommend repairing or replacing |
 | Repair/Maintain | Recommend repair and/or maintenance |
 | Minor defect | Correction only involves a minor expense |
 | Maintain | Recommend ongoing maintenance |
 | Evaluate | Recommend evaluation by a specialist |
 | Monitor | Recommend monitoring in the future |
 | Comment | For your information |
Structural Pest Inspection Concerns
Items of concern relating to the structural pest inspection are shown as follows:
 | WDO/WDI Infestation | Evidence of infestation of wood destroying insects or organisms (Live or dead insect bodies, fungal growth, etc.) |
 | WDO/WDI Damage | Damage caused by wood destroying insects or organisms (Rot, carpenter ant galleries, etc.) |
 | WDO/WDI Conducive conditions | Conditions conducive for wood destroying insects or organisms (Wood-soil contact, shrubs in contact with siding, roof or plumbing leaks, etc.) |
Click here for a glossary of building construction terms.
Contact your inspector if there are terms that you do not understand, or visit the glossary of construction terms at http://www.reporthost.com/glossary.asp
Report number: 08082301
Time started: 8:30
Time finished: 12:30
Client present for discussion at end of inspection: Yes
Weather conditions: Cloudy, Rain
Temperature: Warm
Ground condition: Wet
Inspection fee: 499.00
Payment method: Check
Type of building: Single family
Buildings inspected: 2000 Lake Heather Drive Birmingham, AL 35242
Age of building(s): 2005
Source for building age: Property listing
Occupied: No

Hornet, bee and/or wasp nests were found in one or more areas, including the exterior. These can pose a safety hazard. Nests should be removed as necessary.
Evidence of rodent infestation was found in the form of feces, poison in one or more areas including the attic. Recommend consulting with the property owner about this. A qualified person should make repairs to seal openings in the structure, set traps, and clean rodent waste as necessary. Recommend following guidelines in these Center for Disease Control articles:
The natural gas and the water service were turned off. As a result, some appliances such as water heater(s), forced air furnace(s), gas fireplace(s), stove(s), range(s) and/or gas and water supply lines weren't fully evaluated. The inspector was unable to test for gas leaks or water leaks.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: swimming pools, spas, hot tubs, water features and related equipment; playground, recreation or leisure equipment; landscape lighting; areas below exterior structures with less than three feet of vertical clearance; irrigation systems; invisible fencing; sea walls, docks and boathouses. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not test or determine the adequacy of drainage systems for grounds, walkways, below-grade stairs and roof downspouts. The inspector does not provide an evaluation of geological conditions and/or site stability, compliance of pool or spa fencing with municipal requirements, or determination that deck, balcony and/or stair membranes are watertight.
Condition of retaining walls: Appeared serviceable
Retaining wall material: Block
Site profile: Moderate slope
Condition of driveway: Appeared serviceable
Driveway material: Poured in place concrete
Condition of sidewalks and/or patios: Appeared serviceable
Sidewalk material: Poured in place concrete, Paving stones
Condition of deck, patio and/or porch covers: Appeared serviceable
Deck, patio, porch cover material and type: Open, Covered (Refer to Roof section)
Condition of decks, porches and/or balconies: Appeared serviceable
Condition of guardrails: Required repairs, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Deck, porch and/or balcony material: Wood
Condition of exterior stairs: Required repairs, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Condition of handrails: Required repairs, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Exterior stair material: Wood

Exterior stairs were substandard. A qualified person should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Photo 7
Stringers should be supported

One or more sets of stairs were unstable due to lack of bracing. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair as necessary. For example, by installing additional bracing or supports.

Photo 9
Steps need additional bracing

Flashing was missing from above one or more deck ledger boards. This can cause moisture to accumulate between the ledger board(s) and the building. Rot may result in this area and cause the ledger board fasteners to fail. The deck may separate from the building in this event and poses a significant safety hazard. A qualified contractor should install flashing above ledger board(s) where necessary. For more information on installing deck ledger boards visit:
And for more information on building safe decks in general, visit: http://www.thisoldhouse.com/toh/knowhow/exteriors/article/0,16417,212625,00.html

Guardrails in one or more areas were damaged, loose. This is a safety hazard. A qualified person should repair or replace as necessary, and as per standard building practices.

Photo 10

Handrails at one or more flights of stairs were wobbly, substandard. This is a safety hazard. Standard building practices require that handrails be:
Installed at stairs with three or more risers
Sized and shaped so your hand can encircle them
Permanently and securely attached, and able to withstand a 200 pound force in any direction at any point
Continuous and extend for the entire flight of the stairs
Located between 30 and 38 inches above the leading edge of the stair treads
A qualified person should repair, replace or install as necessary and as per standard building practices.

One or more retaining walls higher than three feet were found on this property and guardrails or barriers were missing. This is a safety hazard due to the risk of falling. At a minimum, the client should be aware of this hazard, especially when children are present. Ideally a qualified contractor should install adequate guardrails or make modifications to existing barriers as necessary above retaining walls higher than 3 feet to eliminate fall hazards. Dense shrubbery or vegetation may be acceptable as a barrier, but only when mature enough to be effective.

Photo 2

One or more decks, porches and/or balconies were with loose fasteners or decking boards. A qualified person should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
One or more large tree stumps were close to the building exterior. Wood destroying insects such as carpenter ants nest in such stumps and are more likely to infest the building as a result. Recommend having large tree stumps within a few feet from the building removed, by a qualified tree service contractor if necessary.

Minor cracks and/or deterioration were found in one or more retaining walls. Recommend repairing cracks with mortar, elastomeric sealant, or other suitable material to prevent water intrusion and further deterioration. The client should monitor such walls in the future for continued deterioration (cracking, leaning, bowing, etc.). Repairs and/or replacement by a qualified contractor may be necessary in the future.

Photo 8
Moderate crack in the rear retaining wall
Vegetation such as trees, shrubs and/or vines was in contact with or less than one foot from the building exterior. Vegetation can serve as a conduit for wood destroying insects and may retain moisture against the exterior after it rains. Vegetation should be pruned and/or removed as necessary to maintain a one foot clearance between it and the building exterior.
Vegetation was overgrown around equipment for one or more utilities, such as gas or electric meters. Vegetation should be pruned or removed as necessary to allow unobstructed access.

Photo 6
One or more significantly sized diseased or dead trees were found on the property grounds. The client may wish to have them removed, or to have them evaluated by a qualified arborist.
Minor cracks, settlement, heaving and/or deterioration were found in the driveway. However they don't appear to be a structural concern and no trip hazards were found. No immediate action is recommended, but the client may wish to have repairs made or have cracked sections replaced for aesthetic reasons.
Minor cracks, settlement, heaving and/or deterioration were found in one or more sidewalk or patio sections. However they don't appear to be a structural concern and no trip hazards were found. No immediate action is recommended, but the client may wish to have repairs made or have cracked sections replaced for aesthetic reasons.

Photo 12
This should be repaired to prevent future deterioration
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: below-grade foundation walls and footings, or those obscured by vegetation or building components; exterior building surfaces or components obscured by vegetation, stored items or debris. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Some amount of cracking is normal in concrete slabs and foundation walls due to shrinkage and drying. Note that the inspector does not determination the adequacy of sump pumps, seismic reinforcement, nor determine if support posts, columns, beams, joists, studs, trusses, etc. are of adequate size, spanning or spacing.
Condition of wall covering: Appeared serviceable
Apparent wall structure: Wood frame
Wall covering: Brick veneer
Condition of foundation and footings: Appeared serviceable
Foundation type: Unfinished basement
Foundation material: Poured in place concrete
Footing material: Poured in place concrete
Anchor bolts for seismic reinforcement: Installed
Anchor bolts for seismic reinforcement were observed at: Garage
Shear panels for seismic reinforcement: None visible
Condition of floor substructure: Appeared serviceable
Pier or support post material: Bearing wall, Steel
Beam material: Laminated wood
Floor structure: Engineered wood joists
Condition of concrete slab floor(s): Appeared serviceable
Condition of the basement: Appeared serviceable

Some sections of siding and/or trim were damaged by wood boring bees. A qualified person should evaluate and repair, replace or install as necessary.

Minor cracks or deterioration were found in one or more sections of brick veneer. A qualified contractor should evaluate and make repairs as necessary, such as repointing mortar to prevent water intrusion and further deterioration in the future.

Photo 4
Minor cracks in the brick veneer in some areas

Wooden support posts were not securely fastened to beams above. This is a safety hazard since they can separate during a seismic event. A qualified contractor should evaluate and make repairs as necessary, such as installing metal ties, bracing with lumber and/or plywood gussets as per standard building practices.

Photo 25
This can possibly be driven tight
Gaps existed at one or more openings around the exterior, such as those where outside faucets, refrigerant lines, and/or gas supply pipes penetrate the exterior. Gaps should be sealed as necessary to prevent moisture intrusion and entry by vermin.

Photo 5
Seal all wall penetrations
Caulk was missing, deteriorated around windows, around doors, at siding butt joints, at siding-trim junctions, at wall penetrations. A qualified person should repair or replace as necessary. For more information, visit:

Photo 18
Caulk is missing from most windows

Photo 20
Caulk missing from the front copper awning
Minor cracks, heaving and/or settlement were found in one or more sections of slab floors.
Limitations: The following items or areas are not included in this inspection: areas that could not be traversed or viewed clearly due to lack of access; areas and components obscured by insulation; solar roofing components; any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not determination if rafters, trusses, joists, beams, etc. are of adequate size, spanning or spacing. The inspector does not provide an estimate of remaining roof surface life, does not determine that the roof has absolutely no leaks at the time of the inspection, and does not determine that the roof won't leak in the future. Only active leaks and evidence of past leaks observed during the inspection are reported on as part of this inspection. To absolutely determine than no leaks exist, complete access to all roof structure areas must be available during a wide variety of weather conditions, including prolonged heavy rain, high wind from varying directions, heavy accumulations of snow and/or ice, and melting snow and ice.
Condition of roof structure: Appeared serviceable
Roof type: Hipped
Age of roof surface(s): 5 years+/-
Source for building age: Property listing
Roof inspection method: Viewed from ground with binoculars
Condition of shingle and/or shake roof surface materials: Appeared serviceable
Roof surface material: Asphalt or fiberglass composition shingles
Apparent number of layers of roof surface material: One
Condition of exposed flashings: Appeared serviceable
Condition of gutters, downspouts and extensions: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Gutter and downspout material: Metal
Gutter and downspout installation: Full
Condition of attic: Appeared serviceable
Attic inspection method: Traversed
Roof structure type: Rafters
Ceiling structure: Ceiling beams
Ceiling insulation material: Cellulose loose fill
Ceiling insulation depth: 10"+/-
Ceiling insulation rating: R-30+/-
Vapor retarder: None visible
Roof ventilation: Appears serviceable

One or more downspouts or downspout extensions drained onto walkways. This may result in ice or moss forming on walkways, and may pose a fall hazard. A qualified person should evaluate and install or modify extensions as necessary so rainwater isn't directed onto walkways.

Recessed "can" lights that are not rated for contact with insulation were installed in the ceiling below the attic. One or more of these lights are in contact with insulation. This is a fire hazard. Insulation should be moved, and wells or barriers should be installed or repaired as necessary to keep the insulation away from these lights as per the manufacturer's installation instructions.

Roof repairs were needed because some composition shingles had the following conditions: lifting, damage. Leaks may occur as a result. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair as necessary.

Photo 11

Photo 13

Extensions such as splashblocks or drain pipes for some downspouts were substandard. Water may accumulate around the building foundation as a result. A qualified person should evaluate and repair, replace or install as necessary

Some downspouts were substandard. Water may accumulate around the building foundation as a result. A qualified person should evaluate and repair as necessary.
The siding on one or more exterior walls above lower roof sections was in contact with or had less than a one inch gap between it and the roof surface below. A gap of at least one inch is recommended so water isn't wicked up into the siding from the shingles below, and also to provide room for additional layers of roofing materials when the current roof surface fails. Recommend having a qualified contractor make repairs as necessary, such as trimming siding, so at least a one inch gap exists between the siding and the roofing below where necessary.
Paper facing on batt insulation was oriented towards open spaces, rather than against interior space surfaces. The paper facing acts as a vapor barrier, and if located away from the interior surfaces, can trap moisture from condensation in the cavity between the paper facing and the interior spaces. This is a conducive condition for wood destroying insects. The inspector was unable to evaluate the structure obscured by the insulation. The insulation should be reinstalled or replaced by a qualified person, and as per the manufacturer's instructions.
The ceiling insulation in some areas of the attic was uneven. This may result in increased heating or cooling costs due to decreased energy efficiency. A qualified person should repair, replace or install insulation as necessary. For more information, visit:
No weatherstrip was installed around the attic access hatch. Weatherstrip should be installed around the hatch to prevent heated interior air from entering attic. For more information, visit:
Debris had accumulated in one or more gutters. This is a conducive condition for wood destroying insects since gutters may overflow and cause water to come in contact with the building exterior or make water accumulate around the foundation. Gutters should be cleaned now and as necessary in the future.
One or more downspouts are clogged with debris. This is a conducive condition for wood destroying insects since gutters may overflow and cause water to come in contact with the building exterior or make water accumulate around the foundation. Downspouts should be cleared now and as necessary in the future.
One or more downspouts terminated above roof surfaces rather than being routed to gutters below or to the ground level. This is very common, but it can reduce the life of roof surface materials below due to large amounts of water frequently flowing over the roof surface. Granules typically are washed off of composition shingles as a result, and leaks may occur. Recommend considering having a qualified contractor install extensions as necessary so downspouts don't terminate above roof surfaces.
Because of the roof configuration, weather, the inspector was unable to traverse the roof and wasn't able to fully evaluate the entire roof.
The attic fan was controlled by a thermostat. Because of the ambient temperature at the time of the inspection and/or the thermostat controls, the inspector was unable to evaluate the attic fan. It is excluded from this inspection.
Limitations: The inspector does not determine the adequacy of firewall ratings. Requirements for ventilation in garages varies between municipalities.
Type: Attached, Garage
Condition of garage: Appeared serviceable
Type of garage: Solid core, Wood
Condition of garage vehicle door(s): Appeared serviceable
Garage vehicle door type: Sectional
Number of vehicle doors: 5
Condition of automatic opener(s): Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Condition of garage floor: Appeared serviceable
Condition of garage interior: Appeared serviceable
Garage ventilation: Adequate

The auto-reverse mechanism on the vehicle door opener needs adjustment. This is a safety hazard, especially for small children. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair as necessary. For more information on garage door safety issues, visit:

Photo 26
These doors need adjustment

Weatherstrip around or at the base of the garage-dwelling door was missing. A qualified person should repair or replace as necessary to prevent vehicle fumes from entering living spaces.

Photo 23
Minor cracks, heaving and/or settlement were found in one or more sections of slab floors.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: generator systems, surge suppressors, inaccessible or concealed wiring; underground utilities and systems; low voltage lighting or lighting on timers or sensors. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not determine the adequacy of grounding or bonding, does not determine if this system has an adequate capacity for the client's specific needs, nor determine if this system has any reserve capacity for additions or expansion. The inspector does not operate circuit breakers as part of the inspection, install or change light bulbs, nor determine the operability of every wall switch.
Electric service condition: Appeared serviceable
Primary service type: Underground
Number of service conductors: 4
Service voltage (volts): 120
Service amperage (amps): 400
Primary service overload protection type: Circuit breakers
Service entrance conductor material: Aluminum
Main disconnect rating (amps): 200
System ground: Cold water supply pipes
Condition of main service panel: Appeared serviceable
Location of main service panel #A: Garage
Location of main disconnect: Breaker at bottom of main service panel
Branch circuit wiring type: Nonmetallic sheathed, Copper
Condition of branch circuit wiring: Serviceable
Solid strand aluminum branch circuit wiring present: None visible
Condition of smoke detectors: Appeared serviceable
Smoke detectors present: Yes
Carbon monoxide detectors present: No
Smoke detector power source: Hard wired

One or more kitchen electric receptacles and/or the boxes they are installed in were loose and/or not securely anchored. Wire conductors may be damaged due to repeated movement and/or tension on wires, or insulation may be damaged. This is a safety hazard due to the risk of shock and fire. A qualified electrician should evaluate and repair as necessary.

Some light fixtures were loose. A qualified person should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Lamp holders or light fixtures with fully or partially exposed bulbs were installed in one or more closets or attic spaces. This is a safety hazard due to the risk of fire. Flammable stored items may come into contact with hot bulbs, and hot fragments from broken bulbs may fall on combustible materials. Standard building practices require closet lighting to use fluorescent light fixtures, or to use fully enclosed incandescent fixtures. Installing a compact fluorescent lamp in a lamp holder is not an acceptable practice. A qualified electrician should replace closet lights as necessary and as per standard building practices.

Photo 17
Front attic access

This property had one or more fuel burning appliances and/or an attached garage, and no carbon monoxide detectors were visible. This is a safety hazard. Recommend installing one or more carbon monoxide detectors as necessary and as per the manufacturer's instructions. For more information, visit http://www.cpsc.gov/CPSCPUB/PREREL/prhtml05/05017.html

One or more wall-mounted exterior light fixtures had wiring that's subject to water intrusion due to caulk not being installed around the light fixture's back plate. Caulk should be applied around the perimeter of back plates where missing. A gap should be left at the bottom for condensation to drain out.

Photo 3
Caulk should be applied to the tops and sides of exterior light fixtures but not the bottoms
Some light fixtures were inoperable. Recommend further evaluation by replacing bulb(s) and/or consulting with the property owner. Repairs or replacement of the light fixture(s) by a qualified electrician may be necessary.
Some bulbs in light fixtures were missing. As a result, some light fixtures couldn't be fully evaluated. Recommend replacing bulbs to fully evaluate fixtures where necessary.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: private wells and sewage disposal systems; main, side and lateral sewer lines; gray water systems; pressure boosting systems; incinerating or composting toilets; fire suppression sprinkler systems; water softeners, conditioners or filtering systems; plumbing components concealed within the foundation or building structure, or in inaccessible areas such as below tubs; underground utilities and systems; overflow drains for tubs and sinks; backflow prevention devices. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not operate water supply or shut-off valves due to the possibility of valves leaking or breaking when operated. The inspector does not test for lead in the water supply, the water pipes or solder, does not determine if plumbing and fuel lines are adequately sized, and does not determining the existence or condition of underground or above-ground fuel tanks.
Location of main water meter: Side lawn
Location of main water shut: Garage
Water service: Public
Service pipe material: Copper
Supply pipe material: Copper
Waste pipe material: Plastic
Location of main fuel shut: Garage
All water supply pipes in the attic, basement were uninsulated. Recommend insulating pipes as per standard building practices for better energy efficiency and to prevent water pipes from freezing.
The water service was not turned on during the inspection. As a result, plumbing supply, drain and waste lines, fixtures, and some appliances such as water heaters weren't fully evaluated. Recommend that a full evaluation of the plumbing system be made after the water supply is turned back on.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: solar water heating systems; circulation systems. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not provide an estimate of remaining life on water heaters, does not determine if water heaters are appropriately sized, or perform any evaluations that require a pilot light to be lit.
Type: Instantaneous
Energy source: Natural gas
Manufacturer: Bradford White
Model: IGI 180R -10N
Location of water heater: Garage
Condition of burners: Appeared serviceable
Condition of venting system: Appeared serviceable
Condition of combustion air supply: Appeared serviceable

This water heater was not fully evaluated because the following condition(s) existed: gas supply turned off. Recommend that a full evaluation be made by a qualified person when conditions have been corrected so the appliance is operable. Note that as per the standards of practice for NACHI (http://www.nachi.org) and ASHI (www.ashi.org), the inspector is not required to operate shut-off valves, pilot lights or overcurrent protection devices, or any controls other than "normal controls".
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: humidifiers, dehumidifiers, electronic air filters; solar, coal or wood fired heat systems; thermostat or temperature control accuracy and timed functions; heating components concealed within the building structure or in inaccessible areas; underground utilities and systems; safety devices and controls (due to automatic operation). Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not provide an estimate of remaining life on heating system components, does not determine if heating systems are appropriately sized, or perform any evaluations that require a pilot light to be lit. It is beyond the scope of this inspection to determine if furnace heat exchangers are intact and free of leaks.
Location of heating system: Garage
Heating type: Forced air, Heat pump
Fuel type: Natural gas
Approximate BTUs: 110,000
Manufacturer: Lennox
Model: G40UH-60C-110-10
Condition of burners: Appeared serviceable
Condition of venting system: Appeared serviceable
Condition of combustion air supply: Appeared serviceable
Condition of distribution system: Appeared serviceable
Distribution system: Ducts and registers
Condition of controls: Appeared serviceable
Condition of air filters: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Location of air filters: Behind return air grill

The last service date of this system appeared to be more than one year ago, or the inspector was unable to determine the last service date. The client should ask the property owner when it was last serviced. If unable to determine the last service date, or if this system was serviced more than one year ago, a qualified heating and cooling contractor should inspect, clean, and service this system, and make repairs if necessary. For safety reasons, and because this system is fueled by gas or oil, this servicing should be performed annually in the future. For more information visit: http://www.cpsc.gov/CPSCPUB/PREREL/prhtml05/05017.html
One or more air filters were dirty. A qualified person should replace filter(s) as necessary. Filters should be checked monthly and maintained as necessary in the future.

This heating system was not fully evaluated because the following condition(s) existed for the furnace: gas supply turned off. Recommend that a full evaluation be made by a qualified person when conditions have been corrected so the system is operable. Note that as per the standards of practice for NACHI (http://www.nachi.org) and ASHI (www.ashi.org), the inspector is not required to operate shut-off valves, pilot lights or overcurrent protection devices, or any controls other than "normal controls".
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: humidifiers, dehumidifiers, electronic air filters; solar, coal or wood fired heat systems; thermostat or temperature control accuracy and timed functions; heating components concealed within the building structure or in inaccessible areas; underground utilities and systems; safety devices and controls (due to automatic operation). Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not provide an estimate of remaining life on heating system components, does not determine if heating systems are appropriately sized, or perform any evaluations that require a pilot light to be lit. It is beyond the scope of this inspection to determine if furnace heat exchangers are intact and free of leaks.
Location of heating system: Attic
Heating type: Forced air, Heat pump
Fuel type: Natural gas
Approximate BTUs: 110,000
Model: G40UH 48C - 110-10
Condition of burners: Appeared serviceable
Condition of venting system: Appeared serviceable
Condition of combustion air supply: Appeared serviceable
Condition of distribution system: Appeared serviceable
Distribution system: Ducts and registers
Condition of controls: Appeared serviceable
Condition of air filters: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Location of air filters: Behind return air grill

The last service date of this system appeared to be more than one year ago, or the inspector was unable to determine the last service date. The client should ask the property owner when it was last serviced. If unable to determine the last service date, or if this system was serviced more than one year ago, a qualified heating and cooling contractor should inspect, clean, and service this system, and make repairs if necessary. For safety reasons, and because this system is fueled by gas or oil, this servicing should be performed annually in the future. For more information visit: http://www.cpsc.gov/CPSCPUB/PREREL/prhtml05/05017.html
One or more air filters were dirty. A qualified person should replace filter(s) as necessary. Filters should be checked monthly and maintained as necessary in the future.

This heating system was not fully evaluated because the following condition(s) existed for the furnace: gas supply turned off. Recommend that a full evaluation be made by a qualified person when conditions have been corrected so the system is operable. Note that as per the standards of practice for NACHI (http://www.nachi.org) and ASHI (www.ashi.org), the inspector is not required to operate shut-off valves, pilot lights or overcurrent protection devices, or any controls other than "normal controls".
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: humidifiers, dehumidifiers, electronic air filters; thermostat or temperature control accuracy and timed functions; cooling components concealed within the building structure or in inaccessible areas; underground utilities and systems; safety devices and controls (due to automatic operation). Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not provide an estimate of remaining life on cooling system components, does not determine if cooling systems are appropriately sized, and does not test coolant pressure. Condensation pans and drain lines may clog or leak at any time and should be monitored while in operation in the future.
Condition of cooling system and/or heat pump: Appeared serviceable
Type: Split system, Heat pump
Estimated age: 2005
Approximate tonnage: 5 ton
Manufacturer: Lennox
Condition of distribution system: Appeared serviceable
Condition of controls: Appeared serviceable
Condition of air filters: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Location of air filters: Behind return air grill

The cooling fins at the heat pump were dirty. A qualified person should clean fins as necessary.

The last service date of this system appeared to be more than one year ago, or the inspector was unable to determine the last service date. The client should ask the property owner when it was last serviced. If unable to determine the last service date, or if this system was serviced more than one year ago, a qualified contractor should service this system and make repairs if necessary. This servicing should be performed annually in the future.
One or more air filters were dirty. A qualified person should replace filter(s) as necessary. Filters should be checked monthly and maintained as necessary in the future.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: humidifiers, dehumidifiers, electronic air filters; thermostat or temperature control accuracy and timed functions; cooling components concealed within the building structure or in inaccessible areas; underground utilities and systems; safety devices and controls (due to automatic operation). Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not provide an estimate of remaining life on cooling system components, does not determine if cooling systems are appropriately sized, and does not test coolant pressure. Condensation pans and drain lines may clog or leak at any time and should be monitored while in operation in the future.
Condition of cooling system and/or heat pump: Appeared serviceable
Type: Split system, Heat pump
Estimated age: 2005
Approximate tonnage: 4 ton
Manufacturer: Lennox
Condition of distribution system: Appeared serviceable
Condition of controls: Appeared serviceable
Condition of air filters: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Location of air filters: Behind return air grill

The cooling fins at the heat pump were dirty. A qualified person should clean fins as necessary.

The last service date of this system appeared to be more than one year ago, or the inspector was unable to determine the last service date. The client should ask the property owner when it was last serviced. If unable to determine the last service date, or if this system was serviced more than one year ago, a qualified contractor should service this system and make repairs if necessary. This servicing should be performed annually in the future.
One or more air filters were dirty. A qualified person should replace filter(s) as necessary. Filters should be checked monthly and maintained as necessary in the future.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: coal stoves, gas logs, chimney flues (except where visible). Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not determine the adequacy of drafting or sizing in fireplace and stove flues, nor determine if prefabricated or zero clearance fireplaces are installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. The inspector does not perform any evaluations that require a pilot light to be lit.
Location #A: Living room
Location #B: Great room
Fireplace type: Prefabricated
Fuel type: Natural gas
The gas fireplace at location #A, B was not fully evaluated because of the following conditions: gas supply turned off. As per the Standards of Practice for both the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors (NACHI) and the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) the inspector does not operate gas shut off valves or light pilot lights during inspections.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: free-standing or portable appliances such as dishwashers, trash compactors, refrigerators, freezers, ice makers; specialty appliances such as hot water dispensers, water filters and trash compactors; appliance timers, clocks, cook functions, self and/or continuous cleaning operations, thermostat or temperature control accuracy, and lights. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not provide an estimate of the remaining life of appliances, and does not determine the adequacy of operation of appliances such as dishwashers, garbage disposals, trash compactors, ovens, broilers, etc.
Condition of counters: Appeared serviceable
Condition of cabinets: Appeared serviceable
Condition of sinks and related plumbing: Appeared serviceable
Condition of garbage disposal: Appeared serviceable
Caulk was deteriorated where counters meet backsplashes. A qualified person should repair as necessary.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: overflow drains for tubs and sinks; bidets, heated towel racks, saunas, steam generators, clothes washers, clothes dryers. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not determine the adequacy of washing machine drain lines, washing machine catch pan drain lines, or clothes dryer exhaust ducts. The inspector does not operate water supply or shut-off valves for sinks, toilets, bidets, clothes washers, etc. due to the possibility of valves leaking or breaking when operated. The inspector does not determine if shower pans or tub and shower enclosures are water tight, or determine the completeness or operability of any gas piping to laundry appliances.
Location #A: Master bath
Location #B: Half bath
Location #C: Upstairs right
Location #D: Upstairs front
Location #E: Upstairs rear
Condition of counters: Appeared serviceable
Condition of cabinets: Appeared serviceable
Condition of sinks and related plumbing: Appeared serviceable
Condition of toilets: Appeared serviceable
Condition of bathtubs and related plumbing: Appeared serviceable
Condition of shower(s) and related plumbing: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Condition of ventilation systems: Appeared serviceable
Condition of laundry facilities: Appeared serviceable
Gas supply for laundry equipment present: No
240 volt receptacle for laundry equipment present: Yes

The clothes dryer exhaust duct was damaged. Air flow will be restricted as a result. This is a safety hazard due to the risk of fire. A qualified person should evaluate and replace or repair as necessary. For more information, visit:

The toilet at location #D was loose. A qualified contractor should remove the toilet(s) for further evaluation and repairs if necessary. A new wax ring should be installed and toilet(s) should be securely anchored to the floor to prevent movement and leaking.

Photo 19
Front bath

Moderate deterioration or damage was found in the tiled shower enclosure, including cracked, missing grout. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair as necessary. Note that damage to the wall or other structures behind this tile may be found upon further evaluation, and additional repairs may be needed.

Photo 14
Upstairs front bath
Water damage was found in the shelving or cabinet components below one or more sinks at location #C, D. A qualified contractor should evaluate and make repairs as necessary.
The shower head at location #A was missing. A qualified person should repair or replace as necessary.
Caulk was missing by the floor, wall, fixtures at the bathtub at location #A, C, D, E. A qualified person should repair as necessary.
Caulk was deteriorated at the counter backsplash at location #A, C, D, E. A qualified person should repair as necessary.
The equipment for the jetted tub at location #A was inaccessible (no access hatch, permanently installed hatch, etc.). The inspector was unable to evaluate the jetted tub equipment.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: security, intercom and sound systems; communications wiring; central vacuum systems; elevators and stair lifts; sources of obnoxious odors; cosmetic deficiencies due to normal wear and tear in wall, floor and ceiling surfaces and coverings, or in equipment; deficiencies relating to interior decorating; low voltage and gas lighting systems. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not evaluate any areas or items which require moving stored items, furnishings, debris, equipment, floor coverings, insulation or similar materials. The inspector does not test for asbestos, lead, radon, mold, hazardous waste, urea formaldehyde urethane, or any other toxic substance. Some items such as window operability are tested on a sampled basis. The client should be aware that paint may obscure wall and ceiling defects, floor coverings may obscure floor defects, and furnishings may obscure wall, floor and floor covering defects. If furnishings were present during the inspection, recommend a full evaluation of walls, floors and ceilings that were previously obscured when possible. Determining the cause of odors is not within the scope of this inspection.
Exterior door material: Wood
Condition of exterior entry doors: Appeared serviceable, Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Unable to fully evaluate exterior entry doors due to: Door(s) locked
Condition of interior doors: Appeared serviceable
Type of windows: Vinyl, Multi, Double hung
Condition of windows: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Wall type or covering: Drywall
Condition of walls: Appeared serviceable
Ceiling type or covering: Drywall
Condition of ceilings: Appeared serviceable
Flooring type or covering: Carpet, Wood, Tile
Condition of flooring: Appeared serviceable

Stains and elevated levels of moisture were found in one or more ceiling areas. The stain(s) appear to be due to roof leaks. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair as necessary.

Photo 22
Dining room

Some interior doors wouldn't latch. A qualified person should evaluate and repair as necessary.

Some windows that were built to open were difficult to open and close. A qualified person should evaluate and repair as necessary.

Some windows were damaged. A qualified person should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.

Water stains or evidence of leaking were found at some basement windows. A qualified person should evaluate and repair as necessary.

Photo 27
Basement window

The sash spring mechanisms in some windows were broken or loose. A qualified contractor or service technician should evaluate and make repairs as necessary so the window operate as intended (open easily, stay open without support, close easily, etc.).

Photo 16
Upstairs front left bedroom

Photo 24
This window
One or more exterior doors had minor damage. A qualified person should repair or replace as necessary.
The weatherstrip around one or more exterior doors was deteriorated, missing. A qualified person should repair or replace as necessary.
Thresholds at one or more exterior doors are deteriorated. A qualified person should repair, replace or install as necessary.

Photo 21
Master bedroom
Deadbolts on one or more exterior doors were difficult to operate. A qualified person should repair as necessary.
Crank handles at some windows were missing. A qualified person should repair or replace as necessary.
Lock mechanisms on some windows were missing. A qualified person should repair as necessary.
Glass in some windows was cracked or broken. A qualified contractor should replace glass where necessary.

Photo 15
Upstairs front left bedroom
Trim was missing in some areas. A qualified person should repair as necessary.
Fixtures such as closet shelving were loose, damaged. A qualified person should repair or replace as necessary.
Significant damage (holes, etc.) were found in one or more ceiling sections. A qualified person should repair as necessary.
Minor cracks and/or holes were found in walls in one or more areas. They do not appear to be a structural concern, but the client may wish to repair these for aesthetic reasons.
Minor cracks and/or holes were found in ceilings in one or more areas. They do not appear to be a structural concern, but the client may wish to repair these for aesthetic reasons.
Screens in many windows were missing.
Thank you for allowing Magic City to inspect your new home! Your questions, comments and referrals are welcomed.