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Exact Home Inspections

106 Granitor avenue, 
Mingo Junction OH 43938-1309
Inspector: Mark Stein

Exact Home Inspections

Client(s):  Exact Home Inspections
Property address:  100 Inspector Lane,
Inspection date:  Tuesday, May 2, 2023

This report published on Thursday, February 27, 2025 6:01:47 PM EST

This report is the exclusive property of Exact Home Inspections and the client(s) listed in the report title. Use of this report by any unauthorized persons is prohibited.
Thank you for choosing Exact Home Inspections. We've made every effort to provide you with a thorough, high quality inspection, and hope that the information in this report proves to be valuable in your consideration of this property. If for any reason you are unsatisfied with this report, or have questions after reviewing it, please don't hesitate to call us. If you are satisfied, please tell your friends about us.

This inspection complies with the American Society of Home Inspectors' (ASHI) Standards of Practice and the National Association of Home Inspectors' (NAHI) Standards of Practice. This report is intended to identify major defects within a structure that significantly affect its habitability or that cost in excess of $500 to repair, although minor defects may be noted in the report. Cosmetic items such as damaged molding, trim, doors, cabinets, interior paint or carpet are generally excluded from this report.

Home inspection reports by nature focus on defects and may seem negative in tone. Some features of this property may be in excellent condition and of high quality but have not been mentioned, or been deemed adequate in the report. This is not meant to downplay this property's assets, but to focus on alerting you to potentially expensive problems. Bear in mind that all homes, regardless of their age, have some number of defects.
This house was not listed by a license Realtor.
A copy of a Ohio Residential Property Disclosure Form was not provided to the home inspector nor any information on such form that would supplement the inspection report of unforeseen defects.

How to Read this Report
This report is organized by the property's functional areas.  Within each functional area, descriptive information is listed first and is shown in bold type.  Items of concern follow descriptive information. Concerns are shown and sorted according to these types:
Concern typeSafetyPoses a safety hazard
Concern typeMajor DefectCorrection likely involves a significant expense
Concern typeRepair/ReplaceRecommend repairing or replacing
Concern typeRepair/MaintainRecommend repair and/or maintenance
Concern typeMinor DefectCorrection likely involves only a minor expense
Concern typeMaintainRecommend ongoing maintenance
Concern typeEvaluateRecommend evaluation by a specialist
Concern typeMonitorRecommend monitoring in the future
Concern typeCommentFor your information

Click here for a glossary of building construction terms.Contact your inspector If there are terms that you do not understand, or visit the glossary of construction terms at

Table of Contents

Exterior and Foundation
Attic and Roof Structure
Plumbing / Fuel Systems
Water Heater
Heating, Ventilation and Air Condition (HVAC)
Fireplaces, Stoves, Chimneys and Flues
Bathrooms, Laundry and Sinks
Interior, Doors and Windows
Wood Destroying Organism Findings

View summary

Limitations: Unless specifically included in the inspection, the following items and any related equipment, controls, electric systems and/or plumbing systems are excluded from this inspection: detached buildings or structures; fences and gates; retaining walls; underground drainage systems, catch basins or concealed sump pumps; swimming pools and related safety equipment, spas, hot tubs or saunas; whether deck, balcony and/or stair membranes are watertight; trees, landscaping, properties of soil, soil stability, erosion and erosion control; ponds, water features, irrigation or yard sprinkler systems; sport courts, playground, recreation or leisure equipment; areas below the exterior structures with less than 3 feet of vertical clearance; invisible fencing; sea walls, docks and boathouses; retractable awnings. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only.
Condition of driveway: Beyond service life. Driveway needs replaced or the cracks patched until such time it can be replaced
Driveway material: Asphalt, Poured in place concrete
Condition of sidewalks and/or patios: Appeared serviceable
Sidewalk material: Poured in place concrete
Condition of deck, patio and/or porch covers: Appeared serviceable, Required repairs, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Deck, patio, porch cover material and type: Open
Condition of decks, porches and/or balconies: Appeared serviceable
Deck, porch and/or balcony material: Wood
Exterior stair material: Concrete
Pole Barn: Was not part of the original agreement. As a courtesy inspector did a quick visual inspection for major defects. Recommend a more through inspection.
1) Flashing appeared to be missing from above one or more deck or porch ledger boards, or could not be verified. Missing flashing at this location can cause moisture to accumulate between the ledger boards and the building. Fungal rot may occur in this area and cause the ledger board fasteners to fail. The deck may separate from the building in this event. This is a potential safety hazard. Recommend that a qualified contractor install flashing above ledger boards per standard building practices. For more information, visit:
Repairs have been made to the deck.
Some substandard strucural components installed.
Some joist where scab on to the original. Believe it was done to secure decking down.
Basement ceiling is finished and could not measure the length of the cantilever.
Photo 1-1 
Photo 1-2 
Photo 1-3 
2) The risers for stairs at one or more locations varied in height and pose a fall or trip hazard. Risers within the same flight of stairs should vary by no more than 3/8 inch. At a minimum, be aware of this hazard, especially when guests who are not familiar with the stairs.
Photo 2-1 
3) Fences are not part of the home inspection.
It is done as a courtesy.
The pool enclosure (rod iron/brick wall) has to be repaired or replaced.
The rod iron is broken or pulling away from the brick. The brick is spalling in numerous places.
The bricks have shifted and it appears the wall has moved in some spots.
It appears the driveway (cracked) is pushing on the brick wall.
It is recommended for a license qualified contractor to evaluate, repair or replaced.
Photo 3-1 
Photo 3-2 
Photo 3-3 
4) The soil or grading sloped down towards building perimeters in one or more areas. This can result in water accumulating around building foundations or underneath buildings. It is a conducive condition for wood-destroying organisms. Recommend grading soil so it slopes down and away from buildings with a slope of at least 1 inch per horizontal foot for at least 6 feet out from buildings.
Photo 4-1 
Photo 4-2 
5)  Sections if not all the driveway needs repaired and or replaced.
Water gets in the cracks and erodes underneath.
It appears one section of the driveway is pushing in on the base of the adjacent brick wall.
It is recommended a qualified license contractor repair or replace.
Photo 5-1 
Photo 5-2 
Photo 5-3 
Photo 5-4 
Exterior and Foundation
Table of contents
Limitations: The inspector performs a visual inspection of accessible components or systems at the exterior. Items excluded from this inspection include below-grade foundation walls and footings; foundations, exterior surfaces or components obscured by vegetation, stored items or debris; wall structures obscured by coverings such as siding or trim. Some items such as siding, trim, soffits, vents and windows are often high off the ground, and may be viewed using binoculars from the ground or from a ladder. This may limit a full evaluation. Regarding foundations, some amount of cracking is normal in concrete slabs and foundation walls due to shrinkage and drying. Note that the inspector does not determine the adequacy of seismic reinforcement.
Wall inspection method:
Condition of wall exterior covering:
Apparent wall structure:
Wall covering:
Condition of foundation and footings:
Apparent foundation type:
Foundation/stem wall material:
Footing material (under foundation stem wall):
6) The masonry (brick or stone) veneer was deteriorated or damaged in some areas.
You can also see where some of the block foundation mortar joint has separated.
Where cracks or openings are exposed, water can enter the wall structure causing mold, fungal growth and structural damage. This is a conducive condition for wood-destroying organisms. Recommend that a qualified contractor evaluate and repair as necessary. For example, by repointing mortar or replacing broken or missing masonry.
Photo 6-1 
Photo 6-2 
7) One or more isolated footings or sections of footings or foundations were undermined. Soil has either eroded out from underneath or has been excavated too close to these areas. Standard building practices typically require undisturbed soil to extend at least a foot horizontally out from the edge of footings and then slope down no more steeply than 45 degrees. Otherwise soil can collapse from beneath the footing(s). Recommend that a qualified contractor or engineer evaluate and determine what repairs if any should be made. If repairs are needed, a qualified contractor should make them.
Photo 7-1 
8) Small amounts of fungal rot was found at one or more around window and exterior trim. Conducive conditions for rot should be corrected. Recommend that a qualified person repair as necessary. All rotten wood should be replaced.
Photo 8-1 
Photo 8-2 
9) Dryer vent exhaust should be at least 12 inches from the ground.
Photo 9-1 
10) Vegetation such as trees, shrubs and/or vines was in contact with or close to the building exterior. Vegetation can serve as a pathway for wood-destroying insects and can retain moisture against the exterior after it rains. This is a conducive condition for wood-destroying organisms. Recommend pruning, moving or removing vegetation as necessary to maintain at least 6 inches of space between it and the building exterior. A 1-foot clearance is better.
Photo 10-1 
11) The paint or stain finish over much of the entire structure trim was failing (e.g. peeling, faded, worn, thinning). Siding and trim with a failing finish can be damaged by moisture. Recommend that a qualified contractor prep (e.g. clean, scrape, sand, prime, caulk) and repaint or stain the exterior per standard building practices. Any repairs needed to the siding or trim should be made prior to this.
Photo 11-1 
Photo 11-2 
12) Caulk was in some areas. Recommend that a qualified person renew or install caulk as necessary. Where gaps are wider than 1/4 inch, an appropriate material other than caulk should be used. For more information, visit:
Photo 12-1 
Limitations: Structural components such as joists and beams, and other components such as piping, wiring and/or ducting that are obscured by under-floor insulation are also excluded from this inspection. Note that the inspector does not determine if support posts, columns, beams, joists, studs, trusses, etc. are of adequate size, spanning or spacing.

The inspector does not guarantee or warrant that water will not accumulate in the basement in the future. Access to the basement during all seasons and during prolonged periods of all types of weather conditions (e.g. heavy rain, melting snow) would be needed to do so. The inspector does not determine the adequacy of basement floor or stairwell drains, or determine if such drains are clear or clogged.

Note that all basement areas should be checked periodically for water intrusion, plumbing leaks and pest activity.
Exterior door material:
Condition of floor substructure above:
Pier or support post material:
Beam material:
Floor structure above:
Exterior door material: Glass panel
Condition of floor substructure above: Appeared serviceable
Pier or support post material: Steel
Beam material: Steel
Floor structure above: Solid wood joists
15) Handrail at top basement steps was not rounded off. Clothing i.e., loose robe's sleeve, can catch at the top of the steps. This is a potential fall hazard. Recommend that a qualified individual repair handrail.
Photo 15-1 
16)  saved
17)  saved
18)  Saved
Limitations: The following items or areas are not included in this inspection: areas that could not be traversed or viewed clearly due to lack of access; solar roofing components. Any comments made regarding these items are made as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not provide an estimate of remaining life on the roof surface material, nor guarantee that leaks have not occurred in the roof surface, skylights or roof penetrations in the past. Regarding roof leaks, only active leaks, visible evidence of possible sources of leaks, and evidence of past leaks observed during the inspection are reported on as part of this inspection. The inspector does not guarantee or warrant that leaks will not occur in the future. Complete access to all roof and attic spaces during all seasons and during prolonged periods of all types of weather conditions (e.g. high wind and rain, melting snow) would be needed to do so. Regarding the roof drainage system, unless the inspection was conducted during and after prolonged periods of heavy rain, the inspector was unable to determine if gutters, downspouts and extensions performed adequately or were leak-free.
Roof inspection method: Traversed
Condition of roof surface material: Appeared serviceable
Roof surface material: Asphalt or fiberglass composition shingles, Synthetic plasticized or rubberized single-ply membrane, Rubber
Roof type: Gable, Flat or low slope
Apparent number of layers of roof surface material: One
Condition of exposed flashings: Appeared serviceable
Condition of gutters, downspouts and extensions: Required repair, see comments
19) There are dried water stains above the exterior entrance door below the flat roof.
The weather during the inspection was dry.
The roof covering (EPDM?) rubber does not look like the original roofing material.
Recommend the owner is asked, when that roof was installed, if that roof was leaking since the new rubber/shingles/flashings was installed and getting a qualified roofing contractor to confirm.
The condition of the flashing/seal above the door could be a issue.
Condensation in the roof structure from inadequate venting could be a issue.
There is no attic to access to further evaluate.
The roof should be monitored during rainy weather.
Photo 19-1 
Photo 19-2 
20) Attic rafters show signs of condensation.
If bathroom vents into attic, winter time condensation can occur on the wood structure and fall on the insulation/ceiling.
Chimney shows signs dried water probably from and old leak.
When the opportunity presents itself, next heavy rain the attic should be monitored and also the flat roof area.
Photo 20-1 
Photo 20-2 
Photo 20-3 
21) F lashings at the base of one or more chimneys were missing counter flashing.
A form of chalking is sealing the top of the step flashing. Either install the correct counter flashing or at least once a year inspect the chalking and make necessary repairs by a qualified roofer.
Photo 21-1 
Photo 21-2 
22)  The drain gaurds on the flat roof are broken and need replaced
by a licensed qualified roofer experienced in EDPM rubber applications.
And while yku have him up there have him check the whole rubber application over.
Photo 22-1 
Photo 22-2 
Attic and Roof Structure
Table of contents
Limitations: The following items or areas are not included in this inspection: areas that could not be traversed or viewed clearly due to lack of access; areas and components obscured by insulation. Any comments made regarding these items are made as a courtesy only. The inspector does not determine the adequacy of the attic ventilation system. Complete access to all roof and attic spaces during all seasons and during prolonged periods of all types of weather conditions (e.g. high/low temperatures, high/low humidity, high wind and rain, melting snow) would be needed to do so. The inspector is not a licensed engineer and does not determine the adequacy of roof structure components such as trusses, rafters or ceiling beams, or their spacing or sizing.
Attic inspection method: Viewed from hatch
Condition of roof structure: Appeared serviceable
Roof structure type: Trusses
Ceiling structure: Ceiling joists, Ceiling beams
Condition of insulation in attic (ceiling, skylight chase, etc.): Appeared serviceable
Ceiling insulation material: Fiberglass roll or batt
Approximate attic insulation R value (may vary in areas): R-30, A small area is missing under the roof fan.
Condition of roof ventilation: Appeared serviceable, It appears the insulation extends out into the eaves, potentially blocking ventilation.
Roof ventilation type: Ridge vent(s), Enclosed soffit vents
23) One or more exhaust ducts (e.g. bathroom fan, clothes dryer,stove top) in the attic have come apart and some just vent into attic. This can result in increased moisture levels inside the structure and is a conducive condition for wood-destroying organisms. Recommend that a qualified person make permanent repairs as necessary.
The one duct pictured below has come apart.
It also look like a small amount of (acorns) near the dislodge pipe.
South side of local chimney.
Disconnected exhaust duck.
The disconnected exhaust duck could be to the old stove top vent.
The old stove top grill does not turn on and might have intentionally electrically disconnected if not broke.
Highly recommend a qualified licensed contractor evaluate before the stove top is fixed or replaced and the duck reused.
Photo 23-1 
Photo 23-2 
Photo 23-3 
24) One or more attic access hatches or doors were not insulated, or had substandard insulation. Weatherstripping was also missing or substandard. Recommend installing weatherstripping and insulation per current standards at hatches or doors for better energy efficiency. For more information, visit:
25) One or more soffit vents were blocked by insulation. This can reduce air flow through the roof structure or attic and result in reduced service life for the roof surface materials because of high temperatures. Moisture from condensation is also likely to accumulate in the roof structure and/or attic and can be a conducive condition for wood-destroying organisms. Recommend that a qualified person repair as necessary so air flows freely through all vents. For example, by moving or removing insulation and installing cardboard baffles.
Photo 25-1 
26)  Saved
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: generator systems, transfer switches, surge suppressors, inaccessible or concealed wiring; underground utilities and systems; low-voltage lighting or lighting on timers or sensors. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not determine the adequacy of grounding or bonding, if this system has an adequate capacity for the client's specific or anticipated needs, or if this system has any reserve capacity for additions or expansion. The inspector does not operate circuit breakers as part of the inspection, and does not install or change light bulbs. The inspector does not evaluate every wall switch or receptacle, but instead tests a representative number of them per various standards of practice. When furnishings, stored items or child-protective caps are present some receptacles are usually inaccessible and are not tested; these are excluded from this inspection. Receptacles that are not of standard 110 volt configuration, including 240-volt dryer receptacles, are not tested and are excluded. The functionality of, power source for and placement of smoke and carbon monoxide alarms is not determined as part of this inspection. Upon taking occupancy, proper operating and placement of smoke and carbon monoxide alarms should be verified and batteries should be changed. These devices have a limited lifespan and should be replaced every 10 years. The inspector attempts to locate and evaluate all main and sub-panels. However, panels are often concealed. If panels are found after the inspection, a qualified electrician should evaluate and repair if necessary. The inspector attempts to determine the overall electrical service size, but such estimates are not guaranteed because the overall capacity may be diminished by lesser-rated components in the system. Any repairs recommended should be made by a licensed electrician.
Electric service condition: Appeared serviceable
Primary service type: Overhead
Service voltage (volts): 120-240
Estimated service amperage: 200
Primary service overload protection type: Circuit breakers
Service entrance conductor material: Stranded aluminum
Main disconnect rating (amps): 200
System ground: Ground rod(s) in soil, Cold water supply pipes, Copper
Condition of main service panel: Appeared serviceable
Condition of sub-panel(s): Appeared serviceable
Location of main service panel #A: Laundry room
Location of sub panel #B: Laundry room
Location of sub-panel #C: Garage, Panel is loose, could not open it to inspect.
Location of main disconnect: Breaker at top of main service panel
Condition of branch circuit wiring: Serviceable
Branch circuit wiring type: Non-metallic sheathed
Ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) protection present: Yes
Arc fault circuit interrupter (AFCI) protection present: No
Smoke alarms installed: Yes, but not tested, Not enogh are installed, more needed throughout the house.
Carbon monoxide alarms installed: Yes, but not tested, Not enough installed more needed throughout the house
27) Substandard wiring was found at the pool area. For example,no GFR. This is a safety hazard. Recommend that a qualified electrician evaluate and repair as necessary and per standard building practices.
Photo 27-1 
28) One or more electric receptacles (outlets) at the had no visible ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) protection, or the inspector was unable to determine if GFCI protection was present. If not GFCI-protected, receptacles in wet areas pose a shock hazard. Recommend that a qualified electrician evaluate and install GFCI protection if necessary and per standard building practices. General guidelines for GFCI-protected receptacles include the following locations:
  • Outdoors (since 1973)
  • Bathrooms (since 1975)
  • Garages (since 1978)
  • Kitchens (since 1987)
  • Crawl spaces and unfinished basements (since 1990)
  • Wet bar sinks (since 1993)
  • Laundry and utility sinks (since 2005)
For more information, visit:
29) The inspector was unable to open and evaluate panel(s) #C in the garage. This panel is excluded from this inspection. Recommend that repairs, modifications should be made by a license qualified electrician as necessary so panels can be opened and fully evaluated.
Could not open it safely, panel is loose and rotated on conduit.
In the main house basement area there is a small electric panel approximately 6x8 inches sitting on the R/S side of exterior double doors. The picture did not take.
I could not access it and asked the owner and he did not know what it was for.
Recommend a license qualified electrician evaluate.
Photo 29-1 
30) One or more modern, 3-slot electric receptacles (outlets) were found with an open ground. This is a shock hazard when appliances that require a ground are used with these receptacles. Examples of such appliances include computers and related hardware, refrigerators, freezers, portable air conditioners, clothes washers, aquarium pumps, and electrically operated gardening tools. Recommend that a qualified electrician repair as necessary so all receptacles are grounded per standard building practices.
Photo 30-1 
31) One or more installed outside were not rated for exterior use. This is a potential shock and fire hazard. Recommend that a qualified electrician repair per standard building practices.
Photo 31-1 
Photo 31-2 
32) Smoke alarms were missing . Additional smoke alarms should be installed as necessary so a functioning alarm exists in each hallway leading to bedrooms, in each bedroom, on each level and in any attached garage. For more information, visit:
33) One or more cover plates for receptacles (outlets) were missing or broken. These plates are intended to contain fire and prevent electric shock from occurring due to exposed wires. Recommend that a qualified person install cover plates where necessary.
34) Carbon monoxide alarms were missing . This is a potential safety hazard. Some states and/or municipalities require CO alarms to be installed in the vicinity of each sleeping area, on each level and in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Recommend installing additional carbon monoxide alarms per these standards. For more information, visit:
35) Electrical Service and Sub Panels
Photo 35-1 
Photo 35-2 
Photo 35-3 
Photo 35-4 
Photo 35-5 
36)  Electrical ground.
Photo 36-1 
Plumbing / Fuel Systems
Table of contents
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: private/shared wells and related equipment; private sewage disposal systems; hot tubs or spas; main, side and lateral sewer lines; gray water systems; pressure boosting systems; trap primers; incinerating or composting toilets; fire suppression systems; water softeners, conditioners or filtering systems; plumbing components concealed within the foundation or building structure, or in inaccessible areas such as below tubs; underground utilities and systems; overflow drains for tubs and sinks; backflow prevention devices. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not operate water supply or shut-off valves due to the possibility of valves leaking or breaking when operated. The inspector does not test for lead in the water supply, the water pipes or solder, does not determine if plumbing and fuel lines are adequately sized, and does not determine the existence or condition of underground or above-ground fuel tanks.
Condition of service and main line: Appeared serviceable
Water service: Public and Private Well
Location of main water shut-off: Basement
Condition of supply lines: Appeared serviceable
Condition of drain pipes: Appeared serviceable
Drain pipe material: PVC
Condition of waste lines: Appeared serviceable
Waste pipe material: PVC
Vent pipe material: Plastic
Condition of fuel system: Appeared serviceable
Visible fuel storage systems: in basement
37) Main shut off for public water supply.
Need to ask owner why there is a back flow valve house side of main shut off valve.
It appears the well side of the water supply ties into the same line as the the Public supply.
It also appears the back flow valve is to prevent well water pressure from over coming Public supply side and potentially putting well water in public (your neighbors) supply line.
This cannot be verified.
This is a health hazard and should be corrected as soon as possible.
To shut water off to the house you have to make sure both lines shut off valves are closed.
The county water supply must be totally separate from private well water.
A license qualified plumbing company has evaluate,repair and replace according to local or state codes.
Note; When I tested the water pressure I was not in then basement at the time to verify that I was only testing public water supply.
At which time the pressure was good.
My picture shows public water on and well water turn off.
Photo 37-1 
Photo 37-2 
38) Could not determine if the water service pipe that was embedded in concrete or masonry where it was routed through the foundation was copper. No protection from damage due to thermal expansion was visible. Copper pipes embedded in concrete or masonry should be wrapped with an approved tape or installed through a sleeve for abrasion protection. Recommend that a qualified contractor repair per standard building practices.
Photo 38-1 
39) It appears condensate empties into a sewer pipe with no trap?
Recommend it be evaluated by a qualified individual and if necessary correct defect.
Photo 39-1 
Photo 39-2 
40) One or more plumbing vent pipes terminated less than 6 inches above the roof surface below. Debris and/or snow can block vent pipe openings with such short pipes. Blocked vent pipes can cause sewer gases to enter living spaces. Recommend that a qualified person repair per standard building practices. For example, by extending pipe(s) to terminate at least 6 inches above the roof surface.
41) Based on visible equipment or information provided to the inspector, the water supply to this property appeared to be from a private well. Private well water supplies are specialty systems and are excluded from this inspection. Comments in this report related to this system are made as a courtesy only and are not meant to be a substitute for a full evaluation by a qualified specialist. The inspector does not test private well water for contamination or pollutants, determine if the supply and/or flow are adequate, or provide an estimate for remaining life of well pumps, pressure tanks or equipment. Only visible and accessible components are evaluated. Recommend the following:
  • That a qualified well contractor fully evaluate the well, including a pump/flow test
  • That the well water be tested per the client's concerns (coliforms, pH, contaminants, etc.)
  • Research the well's history (how/when constructed, how/when maintained or repaired, past performance, past health issues)
  • Document the current well capacity and water quality for future reference
For more information, visit:
42) A water softener system was installed on the premises. These are specialty systems and are excluded from this inspection. Comments in this report related to this system are made as a courtesy only and are not meant to be a substitute for a full evaluation by a qualified specialist. Water softeners typically work by removing unwanted minerals (e.g. calcium, magnesium) from the water supply. They prevent build-up of scale inside water supply pipes, improve lathering while washing, and prevent spots on dishes. Recommend consulting with the property owner about this system to determine its condition, required maintenance, age, expected remaining life, etc. For more information, visit:
Water Heater
Table of contents
Limitations: Evaluation of and determining the adequacy or completeness of the following items are not included in this inspection: water recirculation pumps; solar water heating systems; Energy Smart or energy saver controls; catch pan drains. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not provide an estimate of remaining life on water heaters, does not determine if water heaters are appropriately sized, or perform any evaluations that require a pilot light to be lit or a shut-off valve to be operated.
Condition of water heater: Appeared serviceable
Type: Tank
Energy source: Electricity
Capacity (in gallons): 50
Location of water heater: Basement
Hot water temperature tested: No
43) The water heater did not have earthquake straps or struts installed. This is a potential safety hazard in the event of an earthquake due to the risk of the water heater tipping over, gas lines breaking if it's gas-fired, or electric wiring being damaged if powered by electricity. Leaks can also occur in water-supply pipes. Recommend that a qualified person install earthquake straps or struts as necessary and per standard building practices.
44) The temperature-pressure relief valve drain line was too short. This is a potential safety hazard due to the risk of scalding if someone is standing next to the water heater when the valve opens. Recommend that a qualified plumber repair per standard building practices. For example, by extending the drain line to within 6 inches of the floor, or routing it to drain outside. For more information, visit:
Don't know why homeowner had a bucket under the drain other than its more than 6 inches off the floor.
I would ask him about it.
Photo 44-1 
Heating, Ventilation and Air Condition (HVAC)
Table of contents
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: humidifiers, dehumidifiers, electronic air filters; solar, coal or wood-fired heat systems; thermostat or temperature control accuracy and timed functions; heating components concealed within the building structure or in inaccessible areas; underground utilities and systems; safety devices and controls (due to automatic operation). Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not provide an estimate of remaining life on heating or cooling system components, does not determine if heating or cooling systems are appropriately sized, does not test coolant pressure, or perform any evaluations that require a pilot light to be lit, a shut-off valve to be operated, a circuit breaker to be turned "on" or a serviceman's or oil emergency switch to be operated. It is beyond the scope of this inspection to determine if furnace heat exchangers are intact and free of leaks. Condensation pans and drain lines may clog or leak at any time and should be monitored while in operation in the future. Where buildings contain furnishings or stored items, the inspector may not be able to verify that a heat source is present in all "liveable" rooms (e.g. bedrooms, kitchens and living/dining rooms).
General heating system type(s): Forced air
General heating distribution type(s): Ducts and registers
Last service date of primary heat source: 2020
Source for last service date of primary heat source: Property owner
Condition of forced air heating/(cooling) system: Appeared serviceable
Forced air heating system fuel type: Oil, Installed 1992, Don Vernon Heating and Cooling
Location of forced air furnace: Basement
Forced air system capacity in BTUs or kilowatts: 110000 Input BTU
Condition of furnace filters: Appeared serviceable
Location for forced air filter(s): At base of air handler, Media filter size 20x25x4
Condition of forced air ducts and registers: Appeared serviceable, though one picture view offsite showed a patch of rust. Not able to find the source. Recommend when furnace is service have them evaluate the duct in question
Condition of burners: Appeared serviceable
Condition of venting system: Appeared serviceable, There is a intentional opening R/S of chimney, do not know why it was made, recommend asking owner or the qualified furnace technician when it is service.
Recommend getting the complete system serviced.
Condition of cooling system and/or heat pump: Appeared serviceable
Location: South side house
Type: Split system, Heat pump, Installed 2009, 13 SEER rating
46) The last service date of the gas or oil-fired forced air furnace appeared to be more than 1 year ago, or the inspector was unable to determine the last service date. Ask the property owner when it was last serviced. If unable to determine the last service date, or if this system was serviced more than 1 year ago, recommend that a qualified HVAC contractor inspect, clean, and service this system, and make repairs if necessary. For safety reasons, and because this system is fueled by gas or oil, this servicing should be performed annually in the future. Any needed repairs noted in this report should be brought to the attention of the HVAC contractor when it's serviced. For more information visit:
47) The estimated useful life for most heat pumps and air conditioning condensing units is 10-15 years. This unit appeared to be this age and/or its useful lifespan and may need replacing or significant repairs at any time. Recommend budgeting for a replacement in the near future.
48) The last service date of the forced air heating/cooling system appeared to be more than 1 year ago, or the inspector was unable to determine the last service date. Ask the property owner when it was last serviced. If unable to determine the last service date, or if this system was serviced more than 1 year ago, recommend that a qualified HVAC contractor service this system and make repairs if necessary. Because this system has a compressor and refrigerant system, this servicing should be performed annually in the future. Any needed repairs noted in this report should be brought to the attention of the contractor when it's serviced.
49) The estimated useful life for most forced air furnaces is 15-20 years. This furnace appeared to be this age and/or its useful lifespan and may need replacing or significant repairs at any time. Recommend budgeting for a replacement in the near future.
Photo 50-1 
Photo 50-2 
Photo 50-3 
Photo 50-4 
Photo 50-5 
51)  Bard Oil Furnace
Serial Number;000A9207101151,
Model number;FH110D48B
Installed 09/1992
Carrier Heat Pump
Serial Number; 2525HCB336A003001
Model Number; 4908E05452
Installed by Don Vernon Heating and Cooling
Fireplaces, Stoves, Chimneys and Flues
Table of contents
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: coal stoves, gas logs, chimney flues (except where visible). Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not determine the adequacy of drafting or sizing in fireplace and stove flues, and also does not determine if prefabricated or zero-clearance fireplaces are installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. The inspector does not perform any evaluations that require a pilot light to be lit, and does not light fires. The inspector provides a basic visual examination of a chimney and any associated wood burning device. The National Fire Protection Association has stated that an in-depth Level 2 chimney inspection should be part of every sale or transfer of property with a wood-burning device. Such an inspection may reveal defects that are not apparent to the home inspector who is a generalist.
Condition of wood-burning fireplaces, stoves: Appeared serviceable, Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Wood-burning fireplace type: Masonry with metal liner, Ceramic and masonry
Wood-burning stove type: Insert
Condition of chimneys and flues: Appeared serviceable, Specialist
Wood-burning chimney type: Masonry, Metal, with metal liner
52) Wood burning stoves and inserts are a main source of house firers.
This property has several of them and associated chimneys.
I highly recommend a licensed qualified wood burner/chimney do a complete inspection all of these complete systems and make recommendations and repairs as needed.
The old patio grill should be renovated to code or taken out or permanently disabled and made unavailable.
The flue showed signs of water and outside infiltration.
Photo 52-1 
Photo 52-2 
53) One or more freestanding wood stoves or wood stove inserts were installed so that the flue was routed into a masonry chimney with clay ceramic liner chimney liner. Recommend that a qualified contractor evaluate to determine if a ceramic flue liner is adequate and also to determine if drafting is adequate. If no liner is installed, recommend that a liner be installed per standard building practices. For example, a stainless steel or cast-in-place liner.
Photo 53-1 
Photo 53-2 
54) No spark screen or rain cap was installed at one or more chimney flue terminations. Spark screens reduce the chance of embers exiting the flue and causing fires. They also prevent wildlife (e.g. birds, rodents, raccoons) from entering flues. Rain caps prevent water from entering flues, mixing with combustion deposits and creating caustic chemicals which can corrode flues. They also prevent damage to masonry from freeze-thaw cycles and prevent metal components (e.g. dampers, metal firebox liners) from rusting. Recommend that a qualified person install rain caps with spark screens per standard building practices where missing.
Photo 54-1 
Photo 54-2 
55) One or more wood-burning fireplaces or stoves were found at the property. When such devices are used, they should be professionally inspected and cleaned annually to prevent creosote build-up and to determine if repairs are needed. The National Fire Protection Association states that a "Level 2" chimney inspection should be performed with every sale or transfer of property with a wood-burning device. Recommend consulting with the property owner about recent and past servicing and repairs to all wood-burning devices and chimneys or flues at this property. Recommend that a qualified specialist evaluate all wood-burning devices and chimneys, and clean and repair as necessary. Note that if a wood stove insert is installed, it may need to be removed for such an evaluation. For more information, search for "chimney inspection" at:
56) One or more gaps were found between the fireplace face and the firebox. Heat from the firebox may penetrate these gaps to combustible materials in the wall structure. This is a potential fire hazard. Recommend that a qualified contractor repair as necessary.
57) One or more chimney flue terminations had no spark screen. Spark screens reduce the chance of embers exiting the flue and causing fires. They also prevent wildlife (e.g. birds, rodents, raccoons) from entering flues. Recommend that a qualified person install spark screens per standard building practices where missing.
58) The brick chimney was deteriorated. For example, loose or missing mortar, cracked, broken, loose or spalled bricks. Loose bricks can pose a safety hazard, and deteriorated masonry can allow water to infiltrate the chimney structure and cause further damage. Recommend that a qualified contractor repair as necessary.
Photo 58-1 
59) The main stone chimney looks to project above the roof on a angle.
It appears the top 3 feet might have been modified.
Should ask owner.
Photo 59-1 
60) Firebricks lining the wood stove have gaps.
Don't know if the gaps are part of the original design.
Recommend that a qualified licensed fireplace installer to evaluate firebricks as necessary.
Photo 60-1 
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: household appliances such as stoves, ovens, cook tops, ranges, warming ovens, griddles, broilers, dishwashers, trash compactors, refrigerators, freezers, ice makers, hot water dispensers and water filters; appliance timers, clocks, cook functions, self and/or continuous cleaning operations, thermostat or temperature control accuracy, and lights. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not provide an estimate of the remaining life of appliances, and does not determine the adequacy of operation of appliances. The inspector does not note appliance manufacturers, models or serial numbers and does not determine if appliances are subject to recalls. Areas and components behind and obscured by appliances are inaccessible and excluded from this inspection.
Condition of counters: Appeared serviceable
Condition of cabinets: Appeared serviceable
Condition of sinks and related plumbing: Appeared serviceable
Condition of under-sink food disposal: Appeared serviceable
Condition of dishwasher: Appeared serviceable
Condition of range, cooktop or oven: Appeared serviceable, Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below), Top mounted grill not operable.
Range, cooktop or oven type: Electric
Type of ventilation: None visible
Condition of refrigerator: Appeared serviceable
Condition of built-in microwave oven: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below), Built in
62) Cook top built in grille is inoperable.
It appears the exhaust duck vent integrity has been compromised.
A through investigation of the venting system has to completed and repaired or replaced before it can be used again.
Grill to roof. Recommend a qualified licensed contractor.
Photo 62-1 
Photo 62-2 
Photo 62-3 
63) The range could tip forward. An anti-tip bracket may not be installed. This is a potential safety hazard since the range can tip forward when weight is applied to the open door, such as when a small child climbs on it or if heavy objects are dropped on it. Anti-tip brackets have been sold with all free-standing ranges since 1985. Recommend installing an anti-tip bracket to eliminate this safety hazard. For more information, visit:
64) according to the owner,the built in microwave oven is broke. Recommend that a qualified person evaluate and replace.
65) No exhaust hood was installed over the cook top or range, and no wall-mounted exhaust fan was found nearby. This can be a nuisance for odor and grease accumulation. Where a gas-fired range or cook top is installed, carbon monoxide and excessive levels of moisture can accumulate in living spaces. Lighting may also be inadequate. Recommend that a qualified contractor install a vented and lighted range hood, with the exhaust fan ducted outdoors.
66) The sink faucet was loose. Recommend that a qualified person repair as necessary.
Photo 66-1 
67)  Saved
Bathrooms, Laundry and Sinks
Table of contents
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: overflow drains for tubs and sinks; heated towel racks, saunas, steam generators, clothes washers, clothes dryers. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not determine the adequacy of washing machine drain lines, washing machine catch pan drain lines, or clothes dryer exhaust ducts. The inspector does not operate water supply or shut-off valves for sinks, toilets, bidets, clothes washers, etc. due to the possibility of valves leaking or breaking when operated. The inspector does not determine if shower pans or tub and shower enclosures are water tight, or determine the completeness or operability of any gas piping to laundry appliances.
Location #A: Full bath, Master bath, first floor
Location #B: Full bath, first floor
Location #C: Full bath, basement
Condition of counters: Appeared serviceable
Condition of cabinets: Appeared serviceable
Condition of flooring: Appeared serviceable
Condition of sinks and related plumbing: Appeared serviceable
Condition of toilets: Appeared serviceable
Condition of bathtubs and related plumbing: Appeared serviceable
Condition of shower(s) and related plumbing: Appeared serviceable, Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Condition of ventilation systems: Appeared serviceable, Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Bathroom and laundry ventilation type: with individual ducts
240 volt receptacle for laundry equipment present: Yes
68) The inspector was unable to verify that the glass used in one or more by the at location(s) # was approved safety glass. Glazing that is not approved safety glass located in areas subject to human impact is a potential safety hazard. Standard building practices require that approved safety glass be used in enclosures for bathtubs, showers, spas, saunas and steam rooms, and in windows where the bottom edge of the window is less than 60 inches above the drain inlet or standing surface. Wire-reinforced glass is not acceptable. Recommend that a qualified contractor evaluate further to determine if glazing is approved safety glass, and replace glass if necessary, and per standard building practices.
69) The shower B faucets leak are hard to shut off.
Recommend replacing them by a qualified person.
70) Caulk around the base of the toilet at location(s) B was missing, substandard and/or deteriorated. Modern standards require caulk to be installed around the entire toilet base where it meets the floor for sanitary reasons. Without it, soiled water can soak into flooring and sub-floor materials if the toilet overflows. Condensation from the toilet can also soak into the flooring. Recommend that a qualified person caulk around toilet bases per standard building practices.
Photo 70-1 
Photo 70-2 
Photo 70-3 
71) Gaps, no caulk, or substandard caulking were found between the bathtub and the at location(s) #. Water may penetrate these areas and cause damage. Recommend that a qualified person re-caulk or install caulking as necessary.
72) The bathtub at location(s) #B was worn, blemished or deteriorated.
73)  One of the shower stalls (B) has a electrical fixture in the ceiling.
A licensed qualified electrician should verify it is rated for this application.
Until then, I deem it unsafe.
Also in there is a receptacle that is not GFCI.
Photo 73-1 
Photo 73-2 
Interior, Doors and Windows
Table of contents
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: security, intercom and sound systems; communications wiring; central vacuum systems; elevators and stair lifts; cosmetic deficiencies such as nail-pops, scuff marks, dents, dings, blemishes or issues due to normal wear and tear in wall, floor and ceiling surfaces and coverings, or in equipment; deficiencies relating to interior decorating; low voltage and gas lighting systems. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not evaluate any areas or items which require moving stored items, furnishings, debris, equipment, floor coverings, insulation or similar materials. The inspector does not test for asbestos, lead, radon, mold, hazardous waste, urea formaldehyde urethane, or any other toxic substance. Some items such as window, drawer, cabinet door or closet door operability are tested on a sampled basis. The client should be aware that paint may obscure wall and ceiling defects, floor coverings may obscure floor defects, and furnishings may obscure wall, floor and floor covering defects. If furnishings were present during the inspection, recommend a full evaluation of walls, floors and ceilings that were previously obscured when possible. Determining the cause and/or source of odors is not within the scope of this inspection.
Condition of exterior entry doors: Appeared serviceable
Exterior door material: Wood, Metal, Glass panel, Sliding glass
Condition of interior doors: Appeared serviceable
Condition of windows and skylights: Appeared serviceable, Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Type(s) of windows: Vinyl, Wood, Sliding, Casement
Condition of walls and ceilings: Appeared serviceable
Wall type or covering: Drywall, Drywall or plaster, Paneling
Ceiling type or covering: Drywall, Wood & beam
Condition of flooring: Appeared serviceable
Condition of concrete slab floor(s): Appeared serviceable
Flooring type or covering: Carpet, Wood or wood products, Stone
74) The inspector was unable to verify that the glass used in one or more windows was approved safety glass where required. Window glazing that is not approved safety glass, located in areas subject to human impact, is a safety hazard. Standard building practices generally require that approved safety glass be used in but not limited to the following conditions:
  • Windows with a pane larger than 9 square feet, with a bottom edge closer than 18 inches to the floor and a top edge higher than 36 inches above the floor and within 36 inches, horizontally, of a walking surface
  • Windows that are both within a 24-inch arc of a door and within 60 inches of the floor
  • Glazing in walls enclosing stairway landings or within 5 feet of the bottom and top of stairways, where the bottom edge of the glass is less than 60 inches above the floor
Note that "art glass" (leaded, faceted, carved or decorative) may be an acceptable alternative for safety glass due to its visibility. Also, a 1 1/2-inch-wide protective bar on the accessible side of the glass, placed 34-38 inches above the floor, can serve as an acceptable substitute for safety glass. Recommend that a qualified contractor evaluate further to determine if glazing is approved safety glass, and replace glass if necessary, and per standard building practices.
75) One or more bedrooms had windows that were too high off the floor. At least one window requires adequate egress in the event of a fire or emergency to allow escape or to allow access by emergency personnel. Such windows should have a maximum sill height of 44 inches off the floor. At a minimum, keep a chair or something that serves as a ladder below the window at all times. If concerned, have a qualified contractor repair or make modifications per standard building practices. For more information, visit:
Photo 75-1 
76) One or more windows that were designed to open and close were . Recommend that a qualified person repair windows as necessary so they open and close easily.
77) Crank handle at 1 window was broke.
At least 2 casement windows could not be opened all the way due to roof downspouts. Recommend that a qualified person replace handles or repair.
Photo 77-1 
78) There is a small gap between the old patio floor and the curved brick wall.
Don't know if it was original built this way but unlikely.
There might have been some settlement in the structure.
Recommend patching the crack and monitor it for movement,
If it opens up again, consult a reputable license contractor or a structural engineer.
The crack also looks wet.
It could be from washing the floor.
Photo 78-1 
79) Lock mechanisms on one or more casement windows were not latching . This can pose a security risk. Recommend that a qualified person repair as necessary.
80) Stains were found in one or more ceiling areas. However, no elevated levels of moisture were found. The stain(s) may be due to past roof and/or plumbing leaks.Consult with the property owner and monitor the stained area(s) in the future, especially after heavy or prolonged rain. If elevated moisture is found in the future, then recommend that a qualified contractor evaluate and repair as necessary.
81) One or more hinged exterior doors had no deadbolt lock installed and relied solely on the entry lockset for security. Recommend installing locksets on exterior doors where missing for added security.
82) Screens were missing from windows. Owner stated they are in storage.
83)  Saved
Wood Destroying Organism Findings
Table of contents
Limitations: This report only includes findings from accessible and visible areas on the day of the inspection. In addition to the inaccessible areas documented in this report, examples of other inaccessible areas include: sub areas less than 18 inches in height; attic areas less than 5 feet in height, areas blocked by ducts, pipes or insulation; areas where locks or permanently attached covers prevent access; areas where insulation would be damaged if traversed; areas obscured by vegetation. All inaccessible areas are subject to infestation or damage from wood-destroying organisms. The inspector does not move furnishings, stored items, debris, floor or wall coverings, insulation, or other materials as part of the inspection, nor perform destructive testing. Wood-destroying organisms may infest, re-infest or become active at any time. No warranty is provided as part of this inspection.
Visible evidence of active wood-destroying insects: No
Visible evidence of past wood-destroying insects: No
Visible evidence of damage by wood-destroying insects: No
Visible evidence of conditions conducive to wood-destroying organisms: No
84)  It appears the wood sil plate doesn't have a termite shield.
It is recommended to annually check the area for signs of
WHO and hire a qualified license contractor to correct.
Photo 84-1 

Photo X-1 
Photo X-2 
Photo X-3 
Photo X-4 
Photo X-5 

If repairs are made to a property based on the results of an inspection, the work should be performed by qualified contractors, not the seller. By qualified, we mean licensed, bonded, state-certified where applicable and with a reasonable amount of experience. Contractors providing repairs should provide legible documentation in the form of work orders and/or receipts. If repairs are made in this way, then there's generally no need for a follow-up inspection. Additionally, it may be better to negotiate a lower price on your home and have repairs made by contractors you choose rather than the seller making repairs as cheaply as possible.

The fee for a follow-up inspections is $350. Additional charges usually apply for travel outside of local area.

This inspection is limited to a visual observation of the exposed and readily accessible areas of the home. The concealed and inaccessible areas are not included. The following locations are considered inaccessible due to limited height and excluded from this inspection unless otherwise stated:•Crawl space areas less than 18 inches in height
•Attic spaces less than 5 feet in height
•Spaces under outdoor decks less than 5 feet high
Observation includes operation of the systems or components by means of the normal user controls. Dismantling of equipment, and destructive testing is not included. Some specific items are also excluded, and these are listed in the following section. If you feel there is a need for evaluation of any of these items, then you will need to arrange for specific inspections.

Items not Included1.Recreational, leisure, playground or decorative equipment or appliances including but not limited to pools, hot tubs, saunas, steam baths, landscape lighting, fountains, shrubs, trees, and tennis courts;
2.Cosmetic conditions (wallpapering, painting, carpeting, scratches, scrapes, dents, cracks, stains, soiled or faded surfaces on the structure or equipment, soiled, faded, torn, or dirty floor, wall or window coverings etc.);
3.Noise pollution or air quality in the area;
4.Earthquake hazard, liquefaction, flood plain, soil, slide potential or any other geological conditions or evaluations;
5.Engineering level evaluations on any topic;
6.Existence or non-existence of solder or lead in water pipes, asbestos, hazardous waste, radon, urea formaldehyde urethane, lead paint or any other environmental, flammable or toxic contaminants or the existence of water or airborne diseases or illnesses and all other similar or potentially harmful substances (although the inspector may note the possible existence of asbestos in ceiling texture and furnace duct tape);
7.Zoning or municipal code (e.g. building, fire, housing (existing buildings), mechanical, electrical, plumbing, etc. code) restrictions or other legal requirements of any kind;
8.Any repairs which relate to some standard of interior decorating;
9.Cracked heat exchangers or similar devices in furnaces;
10.Any evaluation which requires the calculation of the capacity of any system or item that is expected to be part of the inspection. Examples include but are not limited to the calculation of appropriate wattage or wiring of kitchen appliances, appropriate sizing of flues or chimneys, appropriate ventilation to combustion-based items (e.g. furnaces, water heaters, fireplaces etc.), appropriate sizing, spacing and spanning of joists, beams, columns, girders, trusses, rafters, studs etc., appropriate sizing of plumbing and fuel lines, etc.;
11.Washers and dryers;
12.Circuit breaker operation;
13.Specialty evaluations such as private sewage, wells, solar heating systems, alarms, intercom systems, central vacuum systems, wood and coal stoves, pre-fab and zero clearance fireplaces, space heaters, sprinkler systems, gas logs, gas lights, elevators and common areas unless these have been specifically added to the inspection description above but only to the degree that the inspector is capable of evaluating these items;
14.Items that are not visible and exposed including but not limited to concealed wiring, plumbing, water leaks, under bathtubs and shower stalls due to faulty pans or otherwise, vent lines, duct work, exterior foundation walls (below grade or covered by shrubs or wall/paneling, stored goods etc.) and footings, underground utilities, and systems and chimney flues;
15.Evaluations involving destructive testing;
16.Evaluation which requires moving personal goods, debris, furniture, equipment, floor covering, insulation or like materials;
17.Design problems and adequacy or operational capacity, quality or suitability;
18.Fireplace drafting;
19.To prevent damages to units, air conditioning when outside temperature below 60 degrees F or if the unit has not been warmed up or on for at least 24 hours prior to inspection;
20.Any evaluation which would involve scraping paint or other wall coverings;
21.Heating system accessories (e.g. humidifiers, electronic air cleaners etc.);
22.Legal description of property such as boundaries, egress/ingress, etc.;
23.Quality of materials;
24.Conformance with plan specifications or manufacturers specifications;
25.Flood conditions or plains;
26.Any other characteristics or items which are generally not included in a building inspection report on a regular basis.
As a part of our service, we sometimes provide approximate, cost of repair estimates for particular items. These estimates should be considered as background information only. It is beyond the scope of this inspection and report to supply you with accurate repair costs. Such estimates should be supplied by contractors who specialize in this type of work. Our estimates should be used only as guidelines. If you intend to negotiate the price of this property based on defects found during this inspection, we strongly suggest you obtain one or more written bids from a licensed contractor(s). It is a conflict of interest for All Point Home Inspections to recommend any specific contractor.

Evaluations are made as to the present age, and remaining economic life of an item, i.e. water heaters, roofs, plumbing, furnaces, etc. These evaluations are based on visual observation, industry averages and prior experience. THEY ARE NOT OFFERED AS A WARRANTY OR CERTIFICATION OF REMAINING LIFE.



Please contact Mark if you have any questions regarding this report.