This report published on Friday, October 19, 2018 4:16:59 PM PDT
The findings and recommendations contained in this report are based on the newest and most up to date construction and safety standards in the industry. Some deficiencies may not have been recognized as such at the time the structure was built or remodeled. Other deficiencies are aimed at energy efficiency or air quality, and are not required building restrictions or practices.
Look 1st Inspections LLC is not a specialist in code compliance or zoning restrictions, and no part of the report should be considered as required repair and/or replacement.
This report will be available for viewing for 120 days from date of publication. For viewing after 120 days please contact Look 1st Inspections LLC.
How to Read this Report
This report is organized by the property's functional areas. Within each functional area, descriptive information is listed first and is shown in bold type. Items of concern follow descriptive information.
Concerns are shown and sorted according to these types:
Poses a risk of injury or death
Recommend repairing or replacing
Recommend repair and/or maintenance
Minor Defect
Correction likely involves only a minor expense
Recommend ongoing maintenance
Recommend evaluation by a specialist
For your information
Damage caused by wood destroying insects or organisms (Rot, carpenter ant galleries, etc.)
Conducive conditions
Conditions conducive for wood destroying insects or organisms (Wood-soil contact, shrubs in contact with siding, roof or plumbing leaks, etc.)
Click here for a glossary of building construction terms.Contact your inspector If there are terms that you do not understand, or visit the glossary of construction terms at
Client present for discussion at end of inspection: No
Weather conditions: Partly cloudy
Temperature: Warm
Ground condition: Damp
Type of building: Fourplex
Number of residential units inspected: 3
Age of building(s): 33 years
Source for building age: Property listing
Front of building faces: North
Occupied: Yes
1) Electricity was not available during the inspection (service turned off or not fully installed, main disconnect tripped, etc.). As a result, branch circuit wiring, fixtures such as lights and fans, switches, ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) devices, arc fault circuit interrupter (AFCI) devices, and some appliances such as water heaters, forced air furnaces, heat pump or air conditioning units, and kitchen appliances weren't fully evaluated.
Unit #2 Only
2) The interior of unit #3 was not accessible during the inspection. The manager was present, but he stated if the tenant did not answer the door, he was NOT going to enter. There was no answer at the door. The interior of unit #3 is excluded from this inspection.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: swimming pools, spas, hot tubs, water features and related equipment; playground, recreation or leisure equipment; landscape lighting; areas below exterior structures with less than three feet of vertical clearance; irrigation systems; invisible fencing; sea walls, docks and boathouses. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not test or determine the adequacy of drainage systems for grounds, walkways, below-grade stairs and roof downspouts. The inspector does not provide an evaluation of geological conditions and/or site stability, compliance of pool or spa fencing with municipal requirements, or determination that deck, balcony and/or stair membranes are watertight.
Condition of fences and gates: Required repairs, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Fence and gate material: Wood
Condition of driveway: Appeared serviceable
Driveway material: Asphalt, Poured in place concrete
Condition of sidewalks and/or patios: Appeared serviceable
Sidewalk material: Poured in place concrete
Deck, patio, porch cover material and type: Covered (Refer to Roof section)
3) Fences were damaged or deteriorated in some areas. A qualified person should repair or replace sections as necessary.
4) Flashing was missing where wood fence sections contacted wood siding. This can serve as a conduit for wood destroying insects and may retain moisture against the exterior after it rains. Recommend a qualified person install flashing where missing.
5) One or more fence gates were damaged. A qualified person should repair as necessary.
6) Firewood was stored so that it was either in contact with the building or very close to it. This is a conducive condition for wood destroying insects. Recommend storing firewood outdoors in an open area, as far away from the building as practical, to keep away insects. For more information visit
7) Minor cracks, settlement, heaving and/or deterioration were found in one or more sidewalk or patio sections, and in the driveway. However they don't appear to be a structural concern and no trip hazards were found. No immediate action is recommended, but the client may wish to have repairs made or have cracked sections replaced for aesthetic reasons.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: below-grade foundation walls and footings, or those obscured by vegetation or building components; exterior building surfaces or components obscured by vegetation, stored items or debris. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Some amount of cracking is normal in concrete slabs and foundation walls due to shrinkage and drying. Note that the inspector does not determination the adequacy of sump pumps, seismic reinforcement, nor determine if support posts, columns, beams, joists, studs, trusses, etc. are of adequate size, spanning or spacing.
Condition of wall covering: Required repairs, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Apparent wall structure: Wood frame
Wall covering: Wood
Condition of foundation and footings: Appeared serviceable
Foundation type: Slab on grade
Foundation material: Poured in place concrete
Condition of concrete slab floor(s): Appeared serviceable
9) Rot or water damage was found at one or more sections of siding, trim and/or rafter tails. A qualified person should evaluate and repair as necessary. All rotten wood should be replaced.
10) Some sections of siding and/or trim were damaged and/or loose. A qualified person should evaluate and repair, replace or install as necessary.
11) The exterior finish in some areas was failing. A qualified contractor should prep (pressure wash, scrape, sand, prime caulk, etc.) and repaint or restain areas as needed and as per standard building practices.
12) All concrete slab floor sections were obscured by furniture, stored items, carpeting and/or flooring and couldn't be fully evaluated.
Limitations: The following items or areas are not included in this inspection: areas that could not be traversed or viewed clearly due to lack of access; areas and components obscured by insulation; solar roofing components; any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not determination if rafters, trusses, joists, beams, etc. are of adequate size, spanning or spacing. The inspector does not provide an estimate of remaining roof surface life, does not determine that the roof has absolutely no leaks at the time of the inspection, and does not determine that the roof won't leak in the future. Only active leaks and evidence of past leaks observed during the inspection are reported on as part of this inspection. To absolutely determine than no leaks exist, complete access to all roof structure areas must be available during a wide variety of weather conditions, including prolonged heavy rain, high wind from varying directions, heavy accumulations of snow and/or ice, and melting snow and ice.
Condition of roof structure: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Roof type: Gable
Roof inspection method: Traversed
Condition of shingle and/or shake roof surface materials: Appeared serviceable
Roof surface material: Asphalt or fiberglass composition shingles
Apparent number of layers of roof surface material: One
Condition of exposed flashings: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Condition of gutters, downspouts and extensions: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Gutter and downspout material: Metal
Condition of attic: Required repair and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Attic inspection method: Viewed from hatch(es), Traversed
Roof structure type: Trusses, Rafters
Ceiling insulation material: Fiberglass loose fill
Ceiling insulation rating: R19 to R30
Vapor retarder: None visible
Roof ventilation: Appears serviceable
13) Some roof flashings were missing, damaged and/or substandard. Leaks may occur as a result. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair as necessary.
14) Flashings at the base of one or more chimneys were deteriorated and/or substandard. Leaks may occur as a result. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair as necessary.
See Condition #103
15) The roof structure needed repair in one or more areas due to the following conditions: substandard construction. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair as necessary, and as per standard building practices.
16) Some gutters and/or downspouts were loose. Water may accumulate around the building foundation as a result. A qualified person should evaluate and repair as necessary.
17) No insulation was installed at the attic access hatch. Recommend installing insulation at hatch for better energy efficiency. For more information, visit:
18) Some attic and roof structure sections were not evaluated due to lack of access from the following conditions: stored items.
NOTE: Attic of #'s 3 & 4 viewed from hatch in #4, items in closet prevented entry, could not traverse. However, most of the attic area was clearly visible.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: generator systems, surge suppressors, inaccessible or concealed wiring; underground utilities and systems; low voltage lighting or lighting on timers or sensors. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not determine the adequacy of grounding or bonding, does not determine if this system has an adequate capacity for the client's specific needs, nor determine if this system has any reserve capacity for additions or expansion. The inspector does not operate circuit breakers as part of the inspection, install or change light bulbs, nor determine the operability of every wall switch.
Electric service condition: Appeared serviceable
Primary service type: Underground
Service voltage (volts): 120/240
Service amperage (amps): 100
Primary service overload protection type: Circuit breakers
Main disconnect rating (amps): 60
System ground: Unable to determine
Condition of main service panel: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Condition of sub: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Location of main service panel #A: Building exterior, NE corner unit #1 (two panels)
Location of sub panel #B: South bedroom #1
Location of sub panel #C: South bedroom #2
Location of sub panel #D: East bedroom #3
Location of sub panel #E: East bedroom #4
Location of sub panel #F: Laundry room
Branch circuit wiring type: Nonmetallic sheathed
Condition of branch circuit wiring: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Condition of smoke detectors: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Smoke detectors present: Yes
Carbon monoxide detectors present: Yes
19) Panel at the HVAC unit of #4 was corroded. This is a safety hazard for shock and/or fire. A qualified electrician should evaluate and repair as necessary.
20) Some conduit sections and/or fittings were separated. This is a potential safety hazard for shock or fire. A qualified person should evaluate and repair as necessary.
21) One or more electric receptacles and/or the boxes they are installed in were loose and/or not securely anchored. Wire conductors may be damaged due to repeated movement and/or tension on wires, or insulation may be damaged. This is a safety hazard due to the risk of shock and fire. A qualified electrician should evaluate and repair as necessary.
22) One or more cover plates used at the building exterior were not safe for exterior use or wet locations due to the following conditions: deterioration. This is a potential safety hazard for fire or shock. A qualified electrician should evaluate and repair as necessary.
23) One or more screws were missing from the dead front to panel #A and should be replaced. Because energized wiring may exist behind the holes with the missing screws, recommend that a qualified, licensed electrician replace these screws, or that care be taken to ensure that the new screws do not come in contact with wiring inside the panel when they are installed. Stock screws from the panel manufacturer should be used, or their equivalent.
24) Smoke detectors were missing from bedrooms. Additional smoke detectors should be installed as necessary so a functioning one exists in each hallway leading to bedrooms, in each bedroom, and one each level of the building. For more information, visit
25) Smoke detectors were missing batteries in the following locations: hallways leading to bedrooms. A qualified person should replace smoke detectors or make repairs as necessary. For more information, visit:
26) One or more electric receptacles at the following "wet" locations appeared to have no ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) protection: kitchen. This is a safety hazard due to the risk of shock. Recommend having a qualified electrician evaluate to determine if GFCI protection exists, and if not, repair as necessary. For more information, visit:
27) Based on the age of this structure and the appearance of existing smoke alarms, the alarms may be older than 10 years old. According to National Fire Protection Association, aging smoke alarms don't operate as efficiently and often are the source for nuisance alarms. Older smoke alarms are estimated to have a 30% probability of failure within the first 10 years. Newer smoke alarms do better, but should be replaced after 10 years. Unless you know that the smoke alarms are new, replacing them when moving into a new residence is also recommended by NFPA. For more information, visit this article: NFPA urges replacing home smoke alarms after 10 years.
28) One or more lamp covers were missing and should be replaced as necessary.
29) Electric panel(s) at location #D (unit #3) were not opened and fully evaluated due to the following conditions: no access to interior of unit. Recommend that repairs, modifications and/or cleanup be performed as necessary so panels can be opened and fully evaluated.
Evaluated 4/20/2018
30) Some electric receptacles were not evaluated because of furniture and/or stored items.
31) Some bulbs in light fixtures were missing and/or inoperable. As a result, some light fixtures couldn't be fully evaluated. Recommend replacing bulbs to fully evaluate fixtures where necessary.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: private wells and sewage disposal systems; main, side and lateral sewer lines; gray water systems; pressure boosting systems; incinerating or composting toilets; fire suppression sprinkler systems; water softeners, conditioners or filtering systems; plumbing components concealed within the foundation or building structure, or in inaccessible areas such as below tubs; underground utilities and systems; overflow drains for tubs and sinks; backflow prevention devices. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not operate water supply or shut-off valves due to the possibility of valves leaking or breaking when operated. The inspector does not test for lead in the water supply, the water pipes or solder, does not determine if plumbing and fuel lines are adequately sized, and does not determining the existence or condition of underground or above-ground fuel tanks.
Condition of service and main line: Appeared serviceable
Location of main water meter: North side at street
Location of main water shut: North side #1 & #4
Water service: Public
Service pipe material: Copper
Condition of supply lines: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Supply pipe material: Copper
Condition of waste lines: Appeared serviceable
Waste pipe material: Plastic
Condition of fuel system: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Location of main fuel shut: East side #1 (all)
32) One or more flexible gas supply connectors were routed through a metal cabinet. Standard building practices require that solid iron pipe be used where gas supply lines are routed through holes in metal cabinets. Continued vibration from this equipment may cause the edge of the metal cabinet to wear through the flexible connector, resulting in gas leaks. This is a safety hazard. A qualified heating and cooling contractor should evaluate and make repairs and/or modifications as necessary.
33) One or more outside faucets were missing backflow prevention devices. These devices reduce the likelihood of polluted or contaminated water entering the potable water supply. This condition can occur when an outside faucet is left in the "on" position with a hose connected and the sprayer head turned off. When pressure in the system fluctuates, water can be drawn back into the water supply pipes from the building. If a chemical sprayer is being used with the hose, those chemicals can enter the water supply pipes.
Recommend installing backflow prevention devices on all exterior hose bibs where missing. They are available at most home improvement stores and are easily installed. For more information, visit:
34) The handles at one or more outside faucets were missing. A qualified person should repair or replace as necessary.
35) Water supply lines were routed outside and are subject to freezing. Pipe wrap or foam sleeves are inexpensive and easily installed. Recommend insulating pipes as necessary to prevent pipes from freezing and bursting.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: solar water heating systems; circulation systems. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not provide an estimate of remaining life on water heaters, does not determine if water heaters are appropriately sized, or perform any evaluations that require a pilot light to be lit.
Condition of water heater: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Type: Tank
Estimated age: 33 years
Energy source: Natural gas
Capacity (in gallons): 40
Manufacturer: State
Model: PRV 40 NRT3 H / ser #B85306973
Location of water heater: Exterior closet, North side
Condition of burners: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Condition of venting system: Appeared serviceable
Condition of combustion air supply: Appeared serviceable
36) The water heater did not have seismic straps or struts installed. This is a potential safety hazard. Leaks may also occur in water supply pipes. A qualified person should install seismic straps or struts as necessary and as per standard building practices.
NOTE: The body of the water heater was obscured by an insulation blanket. There were no straps visible.
37) The water heater enclosure door or hardware was damaged. Recommend that a qualified person evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
38) The following conditions were found in the burner chamber: rust. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair if/as necessary.
39) The estimated useful life for most water heaters is 8 to 12 years. This water heater appears to be beyond this age and may need replacing at any time.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: solar water heating systems; circulation systems. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not provide an estimate of remaining life on water heaters, does not determine if water heaters are appropriately sized, or perform any evaluations that require a pilot light to be lit.
Condition of water heater: Appeared serviceable
Type: Tank
Estimated age: 33 years
Energy source: Natural gas
Capacity (in gallons): 40
Manufacturer: State
Model: PRV 40 NRT3 H / ser #B85306910
Location of water heater: Exterior closet, South side
Condition of burners: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Condition of venting system: Appeared serviceable
Condition of combustion air supply: Appeared serviceable
40) The water heater did not have seismic straps or struts installed. This is a potential safety hazard. Leaks may also occur in water supply pipes. A qualified person should install seismic straps or struts as necessary and as per standard building practices.
NOTE: The body of the water heater was obscured by an insulation blanket. There were no straps visible.
41) The water heater enclosure door or hardware was damaged. Recommend that a qualified person evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
Screen missing
42) The following conditions were found in the burner chamber: rust. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair if/as necessary.
43) The estimated useful life for most water heaters is 8 to 12 years. This water heater appears to be beyond this age and may need replacing at any time.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: solar water heating systems; circulation systems. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not provide an estimate of remaining life on water heaters, does not determine if water heaters are appropriately sized, or perform any evaluations that require a pilot light to be lit.
Condition of water heater: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Type: Tank
Estimated age: Not determined
Energy source: Natural gas
Capacity (in gallons): Not determined
Manufacturer: Not determined
Location of water heater: Exterior closet, South side
Condition of burners: Appeared serviceable
Condition of venting system: Appeared serviceable
Condition of combustion air supply: Appeared serviceable
44) The water heater did not have seismic straps or struts installed. This is a potential safety hazard. Leaks may also occur in water supply pipes. A qualified person should install seismic straps or struts as necessary and as per standard building practices.
NOTE: The body of the water heater was obscured by an insulation blanket. There were no straps visible.
45) Temperature-pressure relief valve drain line was too short. This is a potential safety hazard due to the risk of scalding if someone is standing next to the water heater when the valve opens. A qualified plumber should extend the drain line to 6 inches from the floor, or route it so as to drain outside.
NOTE: drain line present, not attached.
46) The water heater enclosure door or hardware was damaged. Recommend that a qualified person evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
47) The estimated useful life for most water heaters is 8 to 12 years. The inspector was unable to determine the age of the water heater due to the manufacturer's label being obscured, no serial number being visible, or the serial number not clearly indicating the age. The client should be aware that this water heater may be near, at, or beyond its useful life and may need replacing at any time. Recommend attempting to determine the water heater's age, and budgeting for a replacement if necessary.
48) A permanently installed insulated jacket was installed on the water heater. It obscured the manufacturer's information label and most of the water heater. The inspector was unable to fully evaluate the water heater.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: solar water heating systems; circulation systems. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not provide an estimate of remaining life on water heaters, does not determine if water heaters are appropriately sized, or perform any evaluations that require a pilot light to be lit.
Condition of water heater: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Type: Tank
Estimated age: 33 years
Energy source: Natural gas
Capacity (in gallons): 40
Manufacturer: State
Model: PRV 40 NRT3 H / ser #B85306908
Location of water heater: Exterior closet, South side
Condition of burners: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Condition of venting system: Appeared serviceable
Condition of combustion air supply: Appeared serviceable
49) The water heater did not have seismic straps or struts installed. This is a potential safety hazard. Leaks may also occur in water supply pipes. A qualified person should install seismic straps or struts as necessary and as per standard building practices.
NOTE: The body of the water heater was obscured by an insulation blanket. There were no straps visible.
50) The inner flame shield for the water heater combustion chamber was missing. This is a potential fire hazard. A qualified person should repair or replace as necessary.
51) The following conditions were found in the burner chamber: rust. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair if/as necessary.
52) The estimated useful life for most water heaters is 8 to 12 years. This water heater appears to be beyond this age and may need replacing at any time.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: solar water heating systems; circulation systems. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not provide an estimate of remaining life on water heaters, does not determine if water heaters are appropriately sized, or perform any evaluations that require a pilot light to be lit.
Condition of water heater: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Type: Tank
Estimated age: 33 years
Energy source: Natural gas
Capacity (in gallons): 40
Manufacturer: State
Model: PRV 40 NRT3 H / ser #C85516820
Location of water heater: In laundry room
Condition of burners: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Condition of venting system: Appeared serviceable
Condition of combustion air supply: Appeared serviceable
53) The water heater did not have seismic straps or struts installed. This is a potential safety hazard. Leaks may also occur in water supply pipes. A qualified person should install seismic straps or struts as necessary and as per standard building practices.
NOTE: The body of the water heater was obscured by an insulation blanket. There were no straps visible.
54) The temperature control knob was missing. A qualified person should repair as necessary.
55) The following conditions were found in the burner chamber: rust and/or deterioration. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair if/as necessary.
56) The estimated useful life for most water heaters is 8 to 12 years. This water heater appears to be beyond this age and may need replacing at any time.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: humidifiers, dehumidifiers, electronic air filters; solar, coal or wood fired heat systems; thermostat or temperature control accuracy and timed functions; heating components concealed within the building structure or in inaccessible areas; underground utilities and systems; safety devices and controls (due to automatic operation). Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not provide an estimate of remaining life on heating system components, does not determine if heating systems are appropriately sized, or perform any evaluations that require a pilot light to be lit. It is beyond the scope of this inspection to determine if furnace heat exchangers are intact and free of leaks.
Condition of heating system: Appeared serviceable
Location of heating system: Roof
Heating type: Forced air
Fuel type: Natural gas
Approximate BTUs: 75,000 input
Manufacturer: American Standard
Model: YCC030F1MOBH / ser #3312KJF1H
Condition of burners: Not evaluated (no access), excluded
Condition of venting system: Appeared serviceable
Condition of combustion air supply: Appeared serviceable
Condition of distribution system: Appeared serviceable
Distribution system: Ducts and registers
Condition of controls: Appeared serviceable
Condition of air filters: Appeared serviceable
Location of air filters: Behind return air grill, hall ceiling
57) Filters should be checked monthly and maintained as necessary in the future.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: humidifiers, dehumidifiers, electronic air filters; thermostat or temperature control accuracy and timed functions; cooling components concealed within the building structure or in inaccessible areas; underground utilities and systems; safety devices and controls (due to automatic operation). Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not provide an estimate of remaining life on cooling system components, does not determine if cooling systems are appropriately sized, and does not test coolant pressure. Condensation pans and drain lines may clog or leak at any time and should be monitored while in operation in the future.
Condition of cooling system and/or heat pump: Appeared serviceable
Location: Roof
Type: Packaged unit
Estimated age: 15 years
Approximate tonnage: 2.5
Manufacturer: American Standard
Condition of distribution system: See Heating - #1
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: humidifiers, dehumidifiers, electronic air filters; solar, coal or wood fired heat systems; thermostat or temperature control accuracy and timed functions; heating components concealed within the building structure or in inaccessible areas; underground utilities and systems; safety devices and controls (due to automatic operation). Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not provide an estimate of remaining life on heating system components, does not determine if heating systems are appropriately sized, or perform any evaluations that require a pilot light to be lit. It is beyond the scope of this inspection to determine if furnace heat exchangers are intact and free of leaks.
Condition of heating system: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Location of heating system: Roof
Heating type: Forced air
Fuel type: Natural gas
Approximate BTUs: 45,000 input
Manufacturer: York
Model: D1NA024N03606C / ser #NCGM031377
Condition of burners: Not evaluated (no access), excluded
Condition of venting system: Appeared serviceable
Condition of combustion air supply: Appeared serviceable
Condition of distribution system: Appeared serviceable
Distribution system: Ducts and registers
Condition of controls: Appeared serviceable
Condition of air filters: Appeared serviceable
Location of air filters: Behind return air grill, hall ceiling
58) Filters should be checked monthly and maintained as necessary in the future.
59) This heating system was not fully evaluated because the following condition(s) existed for the furnace: electricity supply turned off. Recommend that a full evaluation be made by a qualified person when conditions have been corrected so the system is operable. Note that as per the standards of practice for NACHI ( and ASHI (, the inspector is not required to operate shut-off valves, pilot lights or overcurrent protection devices, or any controls other than "normal controls".
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: humidifiers, dehumidifiers, electronic air filters; thermostat or temperature control accuracy and timed functions; cooling components concealed within the building structure or in inaccessible areas; underground utilities and systems; safety devices and controls (due to automatic operation). Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not provide an estimate of remaining life on cooling system components, does not determine if cooling systems are appropriately sized, and does not test coolant pressure. Condensation pans and drain lines may clog or leak at any time and should be monitored while in operation in the future.
Condition of cooling system and/or heat pump: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Location: Roof
Type: Packaged unit
Estimated age: 20 years
Approximate tonnage: 2
Manufacturer: York
Condition of distribution system: See Heating - #2
Condition of controls:
Condition of air filters: See Heating - #2
60) The trap in the air handler's condensate drain line was missing. Standard building practices require a U-shaped trap to be installed to prevent cool air from escaping from the drain line. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair as necessary.
61) This cooling or heat pump system was not fully evaluated because the electricity supply was turned off. Recommend that a full evaluation be made by a qualified person when conditions have been corrected so the system is operable. Note that as per the standards of practice for NACHI ( and ASHI (, the inspector is not required to operate or replace overcurrent protection devices, or operate any controls other than "normal controls".
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: humidifiers, dehumidifiers, electronic air filters; solar, coal or wood fired heat systems; thermostat or temperature control accuracy and timed functions; heating components concealed within the building structure or in inaccessible areas; underground utilities and systems; safety devices and controls (due to automatic operation). Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not provide an estimate of remaining life on heating system components, does not determine if heating systems are appropriately sized, or perform any evaluations that require a pilot light to be lit. It is beyond the scope of this inspection to determine if furnace heat exchangers are intact and free of leaks.
Condition of heating system: Appeared serviceable
Location of heating system: Roof
Heating type: Forced air
Fuel type: Natural gas
Approximate BTUs: 40,000 input
Manufacturer: Payne
Model: PY4GNAA24040NATP / ser #0415C23959
Condition of burners: Not evaluated (no access), excluded
Condition of venting system: Appeared serviceable
Condition of combustion air supply: Appeared serviceable
Condition of distribution system: Appeared serviceable
Distribution system: Ducts and registers
Condition of controls: Not evaluated (no access), excluded
Location of air filters: Behind return air grill, hall ceiling
62) Filters should be checked monthly and maintained as necessary in the future.
63) This heating system was not fully evaluated because the following condition(s) existed for the furnace: no access to controls. Recommend that a full evaluation be made by a qualified person when conditions have been corrected so the system is operable. Note that as per the standards of practice for NACHI ( and ASHI (, the inspector is not required to operate shut-off valves, pilot lights or overcurrent protection devices, or any controls other than "normal controls".
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: humidifiers, dehumidifiers, electronic air filters; thermostat or temperature control accuracy and timed functions; cooling components concealed within the building structure or in inaccessible areas; underground utilities and systems; safety devices and controls (due to automatic operation). Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not provide an estimate of remaining life on cooling system components, does not determine if cooling systems are appropriately sized, and does not test coolant pressure. Condensation pans and drain lines may clog or leak at any time and should be monitored while in operation in the future.
Condition of cooling system and/or heat pump: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Location: Roof
Type: Packaged unit
Estimated age: 3 years
Approximate tonnage: 2
Manufacturer: Payne
Condition of controls: Not evaluated (no access), excluded
Condition of air filters: See Heating - #3
64) The condensate drain line terminated on the roof surface. This can lead to granule loss and premature failure of the roof covering. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair as necessary, and as per standard building practices.
65) This cooling or heat pump system was not fully evaluated because the no access to controls. Recommend that a full evaluation be made by a qualified person when conditions have been corrected so the system is operable. Note that as per the standards of practice for NACHI ( and ASHI (, the inspector is not required to operate or replace overcurrent protection devices, or operate any controls other than "normal controls".
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: humidifiers, dehumidifiers, electronic air filters; solar, coal or wood fired heat systems; thermostat or temperature control accuracy and timed functions; heating components concealed within the building structure or in inaccessible areas; underground utilities and systems; safety devices and controls (due to automatic operation). Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not provide an estimate of remaining life on heating system components, does not determine if heating systems are appropriately sized, or perform any evaluations that require a pilot light to be lit. It is beyond the scope of this inspection to determine if furnace heat exchangers are intact and free of leaks.
Condition of heating system: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Location of heating system: Roof
Heating type: Forced air
Fuel type: Natural gas
Approximate BTUs: Not determined
Manufacturer: Rheem
Model: Unable to determine
Condition of burners: Not evaluated (no access), excluded
Condition of venting system: Appeared serviceable
Condition of combustion air supply: Appeared serviceable
Condition of distribution system: Appeared serviceable
Distribution system: Ducts and registers
Condition of controls: Appeared serviceable
Condition of air filters: Appeared serviceable
Location of air filters: Behind return air grill, hall ceiling
66) Filters should be checked monthly and maintained as necessary in the future.
67) The estimated useful life for most forced air furnaces is 15 to 20 years. The inspector was unable to determine the age of the furnace. The client should be aware that this furnace may be near, at, or beyond its useful life and may need replacing or significant repairs at any time. Recommend attempting to determine the furnace's age (ask property owner or service technician), and budgeting for a replacement if necessary.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: humidifiers, dehumidifiers, electronic air filters; thermostat or temperature control accuracy and timed functions; cooling components concealed within the building structure or in inaccessible areas; underground utilities and systems; safety devices and controls (due to automatic operation). Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not provide an estimate of remaining life on cooling system components, does not determine if cooling systems are appropriately sized, and does not test coolant pressure. Condensation pans and drain lines may clog or leak at any time and should be monitored while in operation in the future.
Condition of cooling system and/or heat pump: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Location: Roof
Type: Packaged unit
Estimated age: Not determined
Approximate tonnage: Unable to determine
Manufacturer: Rheem
Condition of distribution system: See Heating - #4
Condition of controls: Appeared serviceable
Condition of air filters: See Heating - #4
68) The trap in the air handler's condensate drain line was missing. Standard building practices require a U-shaped trap to be installed to prevent cool air from escaping from the drain line. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair as necessary.
69) The estimated useful life for most cooling systems and heat pumps is 10 to 15 years. The inspector was unable to determine the age of this system. The client should be aware that it may be near, at, or beyond its useful life and may need replacing or significant repairs at any time. Recommend attempting to determine the age (ask property owner or service technician), and budgeting for a replacement if necessary.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: coal stoves, gas logs, chimney flues (except where visible). Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not determine the adequacy of drafting or sizing in fireplace and stove flues, nor determine if prefabricated or zero clearance fireplaces are installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. The inspector does not perform any evaluations that require a pilot light to be lit.
Condition of fireplaces, stoves: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Location #A: Unit 1
Location #B: Unit 2
Location #C: Unit 3
Location #D: Unit 4
Fireplace type: Prefabricated
Fuel type: Wood
Condition of chimneys: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Chimney type: Metal
70) One or more refractory panels (the 1 inch thick fireproof panels lining the fireplace walls) at location #A, B and D are significantly damaged and need replacing. A qualified contractor should evaluate and replace refractory panels where necessary. Typically this is when cracks exceed 1/4 inch in width, where surface pitting becomes extensive and deeper than 3/16 inch, or where any piece of the refractory larger than 2 inches in radius and 3/16 inch deep has become dislodged.
71) Because of the flue, wood stove or fireplace configuration, the inspector was unable to determine if flue(s) at location # A, B and C had significant amounts of accumulated creosote. Recommend that a qualified contractor inspect, and clean and repair if necessary.
72) The damper at location #D was missing. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair as necessary.
73) The handle to the damper at location #D was missing. A qualified person should evaluate and repair as necessary.
74) The rain cap for the chimney flue at location #C was deteriorated. They prevent the following:
Rainwater entering flues and mixing with combustion deposits, creating caustic chemicals which can corrode flues
Rainwater entering flues and causing damage to masonry from freeze-thaw cycles
A qualified person should install or replace rain caps, or make repairs where necessary.
75) All solid fuel burning appliances (woodstoves and fireplaces, etc.) should be inspected annually by a qualified chimney service contractor, cleaned and repaired as necessary.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: free-standing or portable appliances such as dishwashers, trash compactors, refrigerators, freezers, ice makers; specialty appliances such as hot water dispensers, water filters and trash compactors; appliance timers, clocks, cook functions, self and/or continuous cleaning operations, thermostat or temperature control accuracy, and lights. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not provide an estimate of the remaining life of appliances, and does not determine the adequacy of operation of appliances such as dishwashers, garbage disposals, trash compactors, ovens, broilers, etc.
Condition of counters: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Condition of cabinets: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Condition of sinks and related plumbing: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Condition of garbage disposal: Appeared serviceable
Condition of dishwasher: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Condition of range, cooktop: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Range, cooktop type: Natural gas
Condition of refrigerator: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
76) The oven door handle was loose. A qualified person should repair as necessary.
77) The range can tip forward, and no anti-tip bracket appeared to be installed. This is a safety hazard since the range may tip forward when weight is applied to the open door, such as when a small child climbs on it, or if heavy objects are dropped on it. Anti-tip brackets have been sold with all free standing ranges since 1985. An anti-tip bracket should be installed to eliminate this safety hazard. For more information, visit,1797,HGTV_3659_2017492,00.html
78) One or more sink drains had an active leak. A qualified plumber should evaluate and repair as necessary.
79) Drawers were loose in one or more cabinets. A qualified person should evaluate and repair as necessary.
80) The cooktop exhaust fan was inoperable. A qualified person should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
81) Water damage was found in the shelving or cabinet components below one or more sinks. A qualified contractor should evaluate and make repairs as necessary.
82) Refrigerator shelving was damaged and should be replaced or repaired as necessary.
83) Caulk was deteriorated where counters meet backsplashes. A qualified person should repair as necessary.
84) The dishwasher wasn't securely attached to the counter above. Fasteners were missing and/or loose. A qualified person should repair as necessary.
85) One or more light bulbs were missing in the range hood light fixture. The inspector was unable to determine if the light fixture is fully operable.
86) One or more filters for the cooktop exhaust fan were missing. Filters should be replaced as necessary.
87) The dishwasher drain line was not configured with a "high loop" or "air gap". A high loop is created by routing the drain line up to the bottom surface of the counter top above, and securely fastening it to that surface. It is meant to prevent water from siphoning out of the dishwasher, and to prevent water from the sink drain or food disposal from entering the dishwasher. Some dishwashers have a built-in high loop where one is not required to be configured in the drain line. The client should try to determine if a high loop is required for this brand and model of dishwasher (review installation instructions, etc.). If one is required, or it cannot be determined if one is not required, then a qualified contractor should install a high loop as per standard building practices.
Also, no "air gap" was installed. Air gaps are another device meant to prevent water from the sink drain or food disposal from entering the dishwasher. These are required in some municipalities for new construction and when remodeling. The client should consult with a qualified contractor to determine if an air gap should be installed.
NOTE: Unit #3 did have a high loop and air gap present.
88) The following appliances were not fully evaluated because of the following condition(s): electricity supply turned off and/or no access. Appliances not fully evaluated: dishwasher, refrigerator, range, garbage disposal and/or range hood.
NOTE: Unit 2, electricity off
89) Some counters showed minor damage.
90) Some cabinet surfaces, drawers and/or doors showed minor and/or moderate wear and/or deterioration.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: overflow drains for tubs and sinks; bidets, heated towel racks, saunas, steam generators, clothes washers, clothes dryers. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not determine the adequacy of washing machine drain lines, washing machine catch pan drain lines, or clothes dryer exhaust ducts. The inspector does not operate water supply or shut-off valves for sinks, toilets, bidets, clothes washers, etc. due to the possibility of valves leaking or breaking when operated. The inspector does not determine if shower pans or tub and shower enclosures are water tight, or determine the completeness or operability of any gas piping to laundry appliances.
Location #A: #1
Location #B: #2
Location #C: #3
Location #D: #4
Condition of counters: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Condition of sinks and related plumbing: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Condition of toilets: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Condition of bathtubs and related plumbing: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Condition of shower(s) and related plumbing: Appeared serviceable
Condition of laundry facilities: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Gas supply for laundry equipment present: No
240 volt receptacle for laundry equipment present: Yes
92) The clothes dryer was equipped with a foil, accordion-type, flexible exhaust duct. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission considers these types of ducts to be unsafe, and a fire hazard. These types of ducts can trap lint and are susceptible to kinks or crushing, which can greatly reduce the air flow. This duct should be replaced with a rigid or corrugated semi-rigid metal duct, and by a qualified contractor if necessary. Most clothes dryer manufacturers specify the use of a rigid or corrugated semi-rigid metal duct. For more information on dryer safety issues, visit:
93) The toilet at location #C & D was loose. A qualified contractor should remove the toilet(s) for further evaluation and repairs if necessary. A new wax ring should be installed and toilet(s) should be securely anchored to the floor to prevent movement and leaking.
94) Minor moisture damage was found in areas by the bathtub at location #D. A qualified person should evaluate and repair as necessary.
95) Leaking or dripping was found at the bathtub spout at location #C. A qualified plumber should evaluate and repair as necessary.
96) Moderate damage was found at the sink at location #D. The client(s) should consider replacing sinks as necessary.
97) The sink drain stopper mechanism at location #A, B and C was missing. A qualified person should repair or replace as necessary.
98) Caulk was deteriorated by the floor and/or wall at the bathtub at location #A, B, C and D. A qualified person should repair as necessary.
99) Caulk was deteriorated at the counter backsplash and/or around the sink at location #A and B. A qualified person should repair as necessary.
100) Leaking or dripping was found at the sink handle base at location #A. A qualified plumber should evaluate and repair as necessary.
101) Counters showed minor damage at location # B & D.
102) Minor damage was found at the bathtub at location #A, B and C.
103) The bathroom with a shower at location #A, B, C and D didn't have an exhaust fan installed. Moisture accumulation will occur and may damage the structure. Even if the bathroom has a window that opens, it likely does not provide adequate ventilation, especially during cold weather when the window is closed. Client(s) may wish to consider having a qualified contractor install exhaust fans as per standard building practices where missing in bathrooms with showers.
Limitations: The following items are not included in this inspection: security, intercom and sound systems; communications wiring; central vacuum systems; elevators and stair lifts; sources of obnoxious odors; cosmetic deficiencies due to normal wear and tear in wall, floor and ceiling surfaces and coverings, or in equipment; deficiencies relating to interior decorating; low voltage and gas lighting systems. Any comments made regarding these items are as a courtesy only. Note that the inspector does not evaluate any areas or items which require moving stored items, furnishings, debris, equipment, floor coverings, insulation or similar materials. The inspector does not test for asbestos, lead, radon, mold, hazardous waste, urea formaldehyde urethane, or any other toxic substance. Some items such as window operability are tested on a sampled basis. The client should be aware that paint may obscure wall and ceiling defects, floor coverings may obscure floor defects, and furnishings may obscure wall, floor and floor covering defects. If furnishings were present during the inspection, recommend a full evaluation of walls, floors and ceilings that were previously obscured when possible. Determining the cause of odors is not within the scope of this inspection.
Exterior door material: Wood, Sliding glass
Condition of exterior entry doors: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Condition of interior doors: Required repair, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Type of windows: Aluminum
Condition of windows: Appeared serviceable
Wall type or covering: Drywall
Condition of walls: Required repairs, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Ceiling type or covering: Drywall, Acoustic spray
Condition of ceilings: Required repairs, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
Flooring type or covering: Carpet, Laminate, Tile
Condition of flooring: Required repairs, replacement and/or evaluation (see comments below)
104) One or more interior doors have a keyed lockset or deadbolt installed. This is a safety hazard for small children in the event that they lock themselves in the room, do not know how to unlock the door, and the key is not available. Keyed locksets and/or deadbolts should be replaced as necessary with "privacy" locksets that don't require a key.
105) Stains and elevated levels of moisture were found in one or more ceiling/wall areas. The stain(s) appear to be due to leaks. A qualified contractor should evaluate and repair as necessary.
See Condition #14
106) One or more sliding glass doors were difficult to open or close. A qualified person should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
107) Cabinet were damaged in one or more areas. A qualified person should evaluate, and repair or replace as necessary.
108) One or more exterior doors had damage. A qualified person should repair or replace as necessary.
109) Trim or jambs around one or more exterior doors was damaged and/or missing. A qualified person should repair, replace or install as necessary.
110) The handles on one or more sliding glass doors were damaged. A qualified person should repair or replace as necessary.
111) Some interior doors were damaged and/or missing. A qualified person should repair or replace as necessary.
112) Some interior door hardware, including locksets and/or latch plates were inoperable, deteriorated and/or missing. A qualified person should repair or replace as necessary.
113) Damage (holes, etc.) were found in one or more wall sections. A qualified person should repair as necessary.
114) Trim/transition strip was missing in some areas. A qualified person should repair as necessary.
115) Laminate flooring was damaged in some areas. A qualified person should repair or replace as necessary.
116) Moderate deterioration or damage was found in floors in one or more areas, including cracked tile. A qualified person should repair as necessary.
117) Screens in some windows are damaged. A qualified person should evaluate and repair or replace as necessary.
118) The weatherstrip around one or more exterior doors was damaged. A qualified person should repair or replace as necessary.
119) Screens in one or more exterior doors were damaged. A qualified person should replace screens where necessary.
120) Floor guides are missing at some sliding closet doors.
121) Fixtures such as closet shelving, towel hangers and/or door stops were missing in one or more areas. A qualified person should install missing fixtures as per standard building practices.
122) Minor cracks and/or holes were found in ceilings in one or more areas. They do not appear to be a structural concern, but the client may wish to repair these for aesthetic reasons.
123) Some damage and/or deterioration was found in ceilings in one or more areas. They do not appear to be a structural concern, but the client may wish to repair these for aesthetic reasons.
124) Screens in some windows and/or doors were missing.
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